
I LOVE this line of thinking. It's the ultimate ironic victim card... "You're not accepting of my bigotry!"

While that is one way of looking at it, remember that kickstarter is not an online retailer, and you are never buying anything on it. Those backer rewards are incentives, nothing more. When you donate to a kickstarter you are saying that you believe in someones dream, and you want to help them achieve it. There is an

Meanwhile, here is Farmville at E3 2014.

I doubt they will get their money back, but I can most certainly see their point of view when it comes to feeling betrayed.

Oh Yee of little integrity.

Wait, so Facebook bought OR for $2 billion and out of the goodness of their hearts will let them run free through Triple A games funland and not be strapped down by Facebook social functions and its stellar line-up of browser games?

So this was initially a crowd funded project, was it not? How much of that 2 billion will those donators see?

Well, this may work for one person. But only for one person. The moment that several people start doing this they will get wise to it.

Seriously, the internet is full of these tall tales and 'lifehacks' and they are all complete rubbish.

Oh, I've got to add another one: the person hellbent on using their voice-controlled system (like an Xbox). Just use the controller! It's less awkward that way, and it's practically guaranteed to work every time.

Let's not act like Sony fanboys/girls, have some kind of monopoly on being horrible people on the internet.

This looks about as fake as the "watch people kiss for the first time" video posted elsewhere on the network.

This video is dumb. I want to see this match at full speed or it's not real. :/

Obvious cuts are obvious. And jarring. They show us a wide shot up until they start playing then it's a bunch of quick pans back and forth. Subtle

I would have liked to see the match without all the editing and over the top effects. Still cool though.

Fix for random reboot problem with iPhone 5S.

1) 40+

I honestly don't see the problem here. You don't deserve to play if you can't handle softball questions.

Oh, I know its a tough industry - doesn't make it okay to be a dick, though. Carrying around that attitude will most likely mean he never gets in - because who would want to work with that guy?

That's pretty rough... by no marketable skills do you mean they pursued what they loved instead of something practical?