
Interesting. I noticed as the player is injured, a more modern world flashes on the screen, almost like an overlay of the dungeon. I'm not really too familiar with the game, but I'm curious how that fits into the gameplay/story.

I think the only thing that surprises me about this is that it wasn't already an anime. That game seemed tailor-made for this.

This ranks up there as one of my favorite Zelda games of all time, no doubt about it. One of my biggest regrets of all time was selling the game after I had completed it (and moved on from Nintendo's systems in general). Now, though I had no plans to buy a Wii U, my two kids have saved their money to buy the system,

stirred....burritos? My mind can't comprehend such awesomeness.

That's from Josh Cooley's series of famous movie scene illustrations. Pretty awesome stuff. You can find more on the web. Here's one of many links

It is maddening. It seems to happen to me most frequently at a place like Chipotle or Freebirds. They're basically reducing burrito construction to assembly lines and the dude who rolls the burrito up may not be the same guy who filled it. Thus you wind up with ingredients put into the burrito along one axis, but

Shrug. I have an 8 and 5 year old. They're both into Nintendo games. In fact, the 8 year old has saved up enough to buy a Wii U. I only told him to wait because I knew the Zelda bundle was coming and he's a huge Zelda fan. I want him to be able to experience Wind Waker. (Wouldn't mind playing it again myself, to


I can't agree more. There is no true choice in games. The high-level story of the game progresses along the same path no matter what. Bioshock is not the player's story. But it makes you think it is. The game ends the same no matter what way you play. Mass Effect gives a larger illusion of choice, but the player

You waited until your second pick?

Mine's Sunday, and I also have the second pick. Do. Not. Want.

You make Flymonkey's point for him with this post alone. Chill dude. No one is attacking you personally or even the guy who made the run in the video. You jumped off the deep end saying we're uneducated and don't understand what's going on. My point is, no, we understand. We just disagree with you.

Or maybe we DO understand what we're looking at, but still think it isn't legit. I get that exploiting these glitches is tons more difficult than actually playing the game. I just don't think a glitch run is the same as a speed run.

Your post is amazing. I don't have much to say other than I'm glad you found a way to rise above the crappy treatment you received at the hands of your classmates and are now doing something it sounds like you really enjoy and take pride in.

Yeah, this is the reveal of Firefly as being one of the assassins in the game. WB has been teasing this for the last few days on their facebook page.

oh no worries! I was just joking around with the butt-insky comment. The crazy thing about that cookie recipe is that you won't really be creaming solid butter at all. I mean, you melt the butter, then pour it in with the sugar, then use a stand mixer to beat the hell out of it. If you don't have a stand mixer,

I'm just gonna be a butt-insky here and say that there are two recipes of Alton's that have never let me down. First is his chewy chocolate chip cookie recipe from a Good Eats episode, second is his cheesecake recipe as found in his I'm Just Here for the Food 2. Other than that, I've found his shows to be greatly

That's good to know. I'm only up to about the 6th Egyptian level thus far (right where you get the opportunity to unlock the second key-door). Glad to hear there are ways to unlock all this stuff instead of buying it all piece by piece.

I've been playing. It's pretty surprising how much of the game seems to be walled off behind in-game purchases. You can earn coins in-game and purchase them, but you need keys to access certain bonus levels, straight up cash to buy certain plants from the first game, in-game purchases for special powers to use against

Probably. But definitely not Batman's feet.