
Loved the original, love the new look. So no, you're not alone.

Dessert Marines! Fighting the evil forces of Black Licorice on the planet Ice Cream Sundae!

While true, we don't really know what the conversations between the Angels and Hunter were. And at the time, they were trying to sign Greinke. So, while it may have been true at the time that they didn't have the kind of money Hunter wanted, the offseason situation is pretty fluid for a lot of teams. Once the

LOL. I lived in McKinney for a couple years. The random snow was nice, in that it was usually gone within a day or two. Although that major ice storm last winter was no fun. Had to drive down into Dallas to finish work on a commercial for the Super Bowl, watching cars slide into ditches off 75.

Yeah, I noticed that too. The second ship is partially obscured behind the house, but it's definitely not a part of the one we see landing. If I had to guess, Zod is coming to dinner.

That was definitely one of the stranger episodes of Adventure Time. It almost felt like they wanted to explore something more with the theme of Finn creating and destroying those relationships, but because of the episode length limitation, they had to wrap it up rather quickly.

He lived in Belize as an American expat. He fled to Guatemala after his neighbor turned up dead and the Belizean police said they wanted to talk to him. He claims the Belizean police are out to kill him...

Visually, Alice Eve is a dead ringer for Dr. Elizabeth Dehner. I mean, the hair style and color is so similar it definitely looks intentional.

If I remember correctly, there's a scroll before the movie starts that explains the tactical aspect. The Russians and Cubans teamed up and I think subdued parts of South America first, then came up through Mexico. That was why the movie took place in Colorado - the invaders weren't coming from a coastal position,

Sriracha is great. As is Tapatio, which I don't find particularly hot anymore, but it's got nice flavor to it. One of my all-time favorites though is Marie Sharp's (Hot, Fiery Hot, or Belizean Heat), a hot sauce from Belize made from habaneros with carrots, onions, key lime juice, vinegar and garlic. Addictingly

Kruschev may have "played JFK like a fiddle" (debateable, since the Jupiters in Turkey were already obsolete), but it was Kruschev who was removed from office afterwards, at least in part due to Kennedy coming out looking like the hero.

Yeah, I'm not on the inside of any of these companies, but it seems to me that digital sales mean the publisher sets the price, and that price is absolute unless it is put on sale at some future date. ie: a publisher says to Valve, "You can put our Title X on Steam, at a price of $60" and then Valve is responsible for

Hmmm....a multinational corporation acting in its own best interest. This certainly merits outrage.

I think the only reason Coldhands won't appear yet is because it's going to give away his identity; something which Martin has gone to an effort to at least muddy for the readers of the books. It's true he could be just anybody, but for the sake of those avoiding spoilers, I'll just point out that there's a prominent

Hell YES. I flipped from Android to iOS a little under a year ago and have regretted it ever since. My wife and I both are counting the days until we can switch back to an Android phone.

Yeah, visually, cool. Story? Not so much. The fact that the robots kept swarming after they had successfully overwritten the "female" made the whole effort they had gone through seem pointless. Not to mention the premise for the story in the first place seemed far-fetched. Man dumps girl because her robot arm

This. I've just been playing through RDR again lately and not only does it have a beautiful sunset, but there are so many different ones. It amazes me still to play through and note the differences depending on where you are in the countryside, what the atmospheric/weather conditions are, etc. It's really amazing.

I'm hesitant to try to explain it, since I have no idea if I'm interpreting it correctly or not, but to me, it seemed like he was saying that when you have this situation of a paradox, where an older version of yourself shows up from the future, the universe doesn't have a particular method of resolving that and cause

Seems like I'd be way more likely to take Mason-Paull at her word when she says this: "I come from a middle class belief that people can discuss things and work it out through logic and reasoning." if she had set up an opposing viewpoint or two to also take part in the debate. But it's hard for me to see how the