
Holy shit.

That certainly is a novel take on the “I can’t be racist” trope.

What can you say to someone like this? It sounds like he got a C- in Econ 101 and that is the extent of what he understands about how markets work. How does he think “more competition” would work for medical care? After suffering a sudden, catastrophic injury, he would have shopped around for the cheapest care? Like,

Rossi allegedly wrote to D’Elia, ‘I’m 21 now and [down to f***].’ His reps say D’Elia didn’t respond to her.”

Imagine how sad one’s life must be to review-bomb some game on Metacritic, esp. over some perceived “SJW”-ness or something.

I’ll let Chris Rock respond:

But they could start with doing what Camden did. Oh and demilitarizing them would also probably be a good thing.

It was a brilliant speed driven declaration of filth and fury.   Loved it.

Hunter S Thompson raises a margarita in your direction somewhere out there, methinks.

When are the police going to be brought to justice???

Paid leave???? For murdering someone in front of a crowd of witnesses?  He should be sitting in a cell.

Disgusting, absolutely reprehensible.

“...an alleged act of forgery”

Police love to peddle the myth that they’re in some daily life-or-death struggle to keep society safe from the forces of evil, but their actual on-the-job mortality rate is lower than the overall national average. Cop isn’t even in the top ten dangerous jobs.

There could be 8k video, audio recorded on multiple mics and a long line of witnesses. It wouldn’t do jack, police and their ‘Blue lives matter’ trolls would still move the goal posts all the day long.

We know how the NRA will respond (they won’t). Wasn’t Philando Castile a registered gun owner too?  

No-knock raids should be illegal.

And conveniently, these cops were not wearing body cams because for some particular reason (thinking emoji) this unit does not. 

Wahhh! Racist shitheads need protection!

Yeah, I don’t really get the tone of this article. We’re meant to dislike her because... she’s a down-to-earth, middle-aged woman? I mean, she’s 55 years old. Sorry she’s not keeping up with her 30-something in laws but I think that’s to be expected.

Sophie is great - it must be really nice for the Queen to look at her three children with disastrously-failed marriages and then see her youngest son choose so modestly and well. I definitely noticed when she and Edward started appearing on the royal family’s social media accounts more last year, to a certain extent

I’m sorry, maybe I’m not reading the statement correctly and I don’t get that this is sarcasm, but this is just not true. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.

I’m not a Star Wars fan but Hamill has always seemed to be one of the really decent human begins out in the celebesphere, terrific with dealing with fans, both pro and con, and willing to make his sincere opinions known. Good on him.