
The much vaunted American capitalism and industrial might is actually very fragile.

So what you are saying is the hoax was democrats sounding the alarm early about the urgency of the situation. Got it. Keep smoking that pole

Remember when he said he could murder someone and still get elected? He’s about to murder tens of thousands - and then prove that he was right about getting re-eelcted anyway.

He admitted to sexually assaulting women. One chamber has impeached him.

Part of the job of the government is to protect the vulnerable. That includes people with low health literacy, like these people clearly have. Trump’s statements about the effectiveness of these drugs is irresponsible and encourages people to do dumb things. He is not wholly responsible, but he certainly didn’t help

Look man, there is quite a lot about coronavirus that cannot be blamed on anyone. This particular instance, however, is definitely on him. And it goes to show that in trying times like these it is very important to not listen to the President.

His cult listens to him like he’s a god emperor. He has a responsibility to the people to not peddle snake oil/unproven treatments that people will take to heart. He’s a monster who is knowingly spreading misinformation and false treatments knowing full well someone somewhere is going to listen to him because that’s

If it were effective, it would be in common use.  It hasn’t been effective.  Don’t you think the Chinese would have been using this for weeks? 

This is just like Trump’s claim that hospital ships were going to arrive imminently in NY: pure bullshit meant to cover for the fact that he’s botched this so badly thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) are going to die. The hospital ships are in port, so he says. “They’re ready to go. The Navy’s response: Um,

Seems about right...

You’re a monster.

I want to see the proof that he's refusing his salary. There's no way that cheap, broke ass cheat is passing up $400,000 a year. 

This troll cannot seriously be stupid enough to believe this.

The ad has definitely succeeded.

Rather than align herself with Hillary, Kamala, Kristen and Amy”

I think she’s still in a three-way tie for the tier right below where Sanders and Buttigieg (who is somehow still in this???*), though. She’s getting comparable actual support to Biden and Bloomberg.

That is ... unholy.

Teeeeeechnically they're using BB-9E to crush Jedi.

Fucking Oddjob.