
First thing I thought was: lucky they weren’t black

Race, and racism - explicit and hidden - is a part of everything. Including automotive culture. If you can’t see that, or don’t want to believe that, you’re a part of the problem

Middle aged white guy here, and I thought the same thing.

Like how the guy in the Jeep was like, “WASN’T US!” That’s about the time I’d be pissing myself.

I wouldn’t take one single passing mention in an article as typical of the position of all “lefties.”

I don’t live in his potential district but I am on the very edge, my neighbor across the street is in his district, so I see the ads and stuff for him and it always cracks me up. He’s this baby-faced kid in a bulletproof vest holding his rifle with one of the WASP-iest names I’ve ever heard talking about stopping

“sets a dangerous precedent,” because it leads to a “victimhood mentality.”

“We need to be more like the Greeks and the Romans!”

404: Soul Not Found

If I were 14, this might spark envy in my soft little brain. As a man in his 30s, I can only think that some incredibly bad decisions are going to be made in that ridiculously gaudy house, and these kids are just not ready for it.

If this sugar and plastic pile burns down it’ll probably caramelize.

Like, I would love to come into some money and be able to live *comfortably* yet *modestly*. And then there’s these fucks just tossing money at things that they probably won’t have ten years from now because this is how they spend it.

This strangely reminds me of one of my childhood movies Blank Check(1994).

Imagine creating an organization that celebrates conspicuous consumption and unearned wealth and then having either the extreme self-awareness, or the extreme lack thereof, to call your organization One Percent.

He didn’t say he had temporary racism, he said he “lost control.” That means he’s racist all the time and he normally keeps it under control, but occasionally he looses control and all the racism falls out.

That dude looks like the type who has company board meetings at a local strip club.  

According to Twitter investigators (so take it with a grain of salt), his brother is married to an Asian woman and they have two kids. So that’ll make for a fun family conversation

“This was clearly a moment where I lost control”. I find his apology so bizarre. Who the hell gets temporary racism outbursts? Like, I’m really sorry, sometimes I get the racism.

“This was clearly a moment where I lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments,” Lofthouse said. “I would like to deeply apologize to the Chan family. I can only imagine the stress and pain they feel. I was taught to respect people of all race and I will take the time to reflect on my actions and

Dude...shit opinions like that are not something you need to ‘control’...why the fuck are they in your synapses in the first place.  Hope all those ‘Asian’ companies you rely on to run your business fuck you over.