
As someone whose birthday is riiiight near that date (and this pandemic has lost me a couple released-right-on-or-around-my-birthday movies, though that is something that has never really mattered to me before), I feel the need to point out that 31 March is not seven days after 26 March. A Wednesday release feels

I got my father a Roku for Christmas so he could get access on his TV to all the streaming services I have. ...He’s mostly been using it to watch all the old-timey, black and white, shows from his youth on the free (with commercials) Roku channel.

I very much appreciate there was no catch-up (though I did watch the Marvel Legends things last week), because to do a whole “this is what you know from before” thing and then jumping into this would just be jarring.  Better to go directly into this.

I, for one, never would have guessed from this announcement that AT&T owner HBO!

A source told the site that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had ordered an investigation into the matter, starting with employees and interns exiting the department this week.”

What is a selfie? At its essence, it is a photo of yourself taken by yourself.

Now playing

I got the game around the same time. Started a game, had some fun, got bogged down by some stupid mistakes I made (no, you do NOT want to be given a crusader kingdom in Siberia), and lost interest.

I find it very hard for them to have not realized the show would be unable to debut in 2020 until a month and a half left in the year. Like, if this couldn’t have debuted this year, surely they would have know that a month ago, or two months ago. Which would mean they just delayed telling everyone? Sticking to that

If it would only take a year to develop a method of “safely” exposing people to the virus directly, why are we even nothing with a vaccine?! Just roll that out!

The message colour gradient thing has been an option in Messenger for some time. 

If you use and appreciate memory cards, that’s cool, I’ve got nothing against that (and I know all to well the issues Apple has with removing useful features), but could anyone tell me why?

Quite excited for this! It’s been rumoured for so, so long, and now, it’s... here?

Reading through your first paragraph, I was really hoping this would be a positive response. That way, I, as a diehard Trekker, could at least say “maybe the show’s just not for us, but is for someone”. That would have made me happy, it would have at least given me something.

I mean... prior to the golem body, he had a human body, and humans typically die eventually, so... I’m not sure how transferring him from one body that will die eventually to another body that will die eventually changes anything from a production point of view...

The problem with the Tim Hortons Beyond Meat Burgers wasn’t that they weren’t real meat, it was that a coffee shop (that is admittedly much more than a coffee shop for us Canadians) was making a burger. It was... not great. The most basic, uninteresting burger imaginable, with no sense of how a burger should be

This is the correct interpretation, yes.

The phone itself felt great in my hand, I’ll admit that. The smaller chassis fit neatly in my palm, so compact that I could reach anything on the screen one-handed. This ability is what makes the classic iPhone design great. It also fits neatly into the pocket of all kinds of pants and coats and things.”

To be fair, it’s usually the computer illiterate falling for phishing scams and downloading executables, so... he wasn’t entirely wrong.

Umm... pretty sure I don’t want any of those things. Now, if Hulu has, like, playlists, so you can watch every episode with Newman or Uncle Jerry or any other favourite character, that could be something, but all the “crime theme” episodes? Whatever.