
Well there in lies the problem. For a lot of people "Tom Cruise fights aliens" would be enough to get them to see it, or just "a war against the aliens who already invaded Earth" could be enough, but certainly for some people, if they didn't know the Groundhog Day aspect, they wouldn't be interested (I know it was,

I feel like there's now way that naming a serious movie after a meme is going to sound like a good idea. Even if a lot of people don't know it, anyone who does is just going to be confused.

I certainly agree that this was insane and pretty unprecedented, but is "Edge of Tomorrow" really a generic title compared to "Live. Die. Repeat."? Isn't variations of that ("Eat. Sleep. ___. Repeat.") a fairly common thing out there in, uhh, pop culture? I mean, sure, it's slightly more descriptive of the movie,

Well, I mean, DO they get just as clean facing down? I don't have any actual evidence to suggest they don't, but I do have to wonder. Down in the bottom of that thing, there's a lot more interference between the bottom of the utensil and the bottom of the dishwasher than there is between the open-top location of the

Oh my god, yes. Sorting them before makes things infinitely easier! ...But as if you can convince other people to be as OCD as we are to put all the utensils in different slots in the dishwasher.

I get great joy from unloading a properly filled dishwasher. An improperly, annoyingly filled one? Fuck that noise!

It's a small difference, but I think it an important one: grab a bunch of forks once and put them in the fork spot, or grab a bunch of assorted utensils and sort them one by one into each corresponding slot. I think my way is much less tedious.

I'm going to stir some shit up right now:

How do Angels kill their victims? By sending them back in time, to live their lives out of their own time, letting the Angels feast on their time energy.

Herd immunity would be a nice thing, but as I said originally: when an election actually seems important, 60% take the time to painlessly vote, when an election seems incredibly unimportant, that number drops to around 35%. Herd immunity is, what, around 80-85%, do you really expect anywhere near that amount to get a

It's statistics. Anything can happen, one-in-a-million and all that, but there's no good reason to fear something that, statistically, won't happen to you or anyone you know.

they've reserved the right to censor anything they don't like on the show.

My office mainly still uses XP...

I saw Ward as a completely boring, generic good guy in season one. I haven't seen season 2, but I don't expect him to be anything more than a completely boring generic bad guy now.

I don't know, is skin colour really all it takes to make the code name canon? It's not under the current situation where James Bond became 007 under Judi Dench's M in the 21st century, but also worked for her as 007 in the '90s, and had previously been active as 007 in the '60s, '70s, and '80s? I'd say it's pretty

I thought they had swerved us with the ending. Said she was staying on past the Christmas special just so they could break our hearts even harder with the ending being that much more unexpected. I was about to start crying (and had tweeted "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!") because I figured this was what was happening,

I mean, I'm sure he's seen a bit of Trek, but it never seemed to be his thing. I mean, he based his Captain Kirk off of Han Solo meets Indiana Jones instead of, y'know, Captain Kirk.

I... don't know about that.

No shit, those are going to make it hard to build this in Minecraft!

SnapChat turned down $3 billion, and whereas Minecraft actually has a way of making money, SnapChat does not.