
Can't help but feel like I've already built this house in Minecraft...

Hey look, that girl looks just like Spider-Woman!

I'm pretty sure I was being sarcastic... but even I'm not entirely sure.

Very interesting an informative, thank you!

Good answer. I was wondering if he was harnessed the whole time, or if they did it when he stepped into the shot and out of the plane. Though, if I remember correctly, that was still early enough on that they couldn't have done it then and not have to move the rig if the set didn't move.

I view these complaints in two categories: padding and plodding versus actual additional elements.

I don't know about that, their exports of fake fear are very unstable. What if the world realizes they don't actually have the world's greatest military, or their leader isn't actually divine, or their nukes can't hit every major city in the world before anyone else's nukes could even launch? If that happened, the

America won't negotiate with terrorists.

I don't know... the third series was obviously great, but it was one short story so it almost doesn't count, in those first two series though? There were a lot of stinker episodes. Like, a lot. Really weren't much better than the fourth series you must have never heard about, only thing they really had going for

Yeah, but... not everyone gets the flu. Not getting the flu shot and waking around doesn't guarantee you'll get full-blown influenza, but if your body reacts terribly to the vaccine, getting that would seem to carry a 100% shot of getting those symptoms... plus a, apparently, 50% chance of still getting the flu, if

As we all know: 50% effectiveness is better than 0% effectiveness, and as we also all know, everybody gets the flu, it's only those 50% of the people who got the flu shot who don't get sick.

And most of those people are somehow immunocompromised or are wothout access to quality medical care. If you are a healthy, well-off adult living in the first world, you can pretty completely expect to not die from the flu.

Can someone who knows more about film explain to me why the moving stage would be easier than just having the camera roll along side a normal, non-moving stage? Was it to achieve the running bit? The slow-mo jump thing? I have to think building an entire stage that not only has so many parts, but also moves would

"Loki's tesseract-powered staff"
"the Tesseract-staff"

Big Mac sauce is sweet but tangy. Matcha Kit-Kats are a delicious thing. Maple syrup on sausages at breakfast.

I consider all of those to be red herrings. The same M is with two Bonds, one when she's younger, and another just becoming a double-O when she's older? There's no other explanation for it! It has to be true!

"From the people who brought you Iron Man 3!"

I will agree with a lot of what you are saying: every scene was perfect, it was a bunch of movies crammed together... but I'm going to have to greatly disagree with you on that being a bad thing. Some movies cram things together and it's an atrocious mess (looking at you, Amazing Spider-Man 2—although if you watch

I absolutely subscribe to a certain fan theory! I don't know how the movies could possibly make sense without doing so! How could you watch them and not be dumbfounded by everything? ...Unless you just ignored it all, but how could someone just do that?! I need my movies to make sense, and that's why I have the

Yep, these "main points" of the articles are definitely enough that I know everything about this story and certainly won't be clicking any of the links. No need for that, Google has ripped off the entire articles and reposted them here, in these very short, truncated sentences.