
"Because the wrong title was mapped, the wrong file was transferred from the main film vault server to the local content player at the projector."

I can totally understand them starting the beta test with just PS3 games, it makes a whole lot of sense (most recently made, most recent hardware, biggest sizes and transfer demands, etc.), and he said that... and then nothing else. It would easy enough to say "we're starting with PS3 and moving on from there", but

Umm... I hope he never gets redemption. He's a bad guy, through and through. This isn't Game of Thrones where there's moral ambiguity, it's a comic book world where good guys work for good causes and bad guys are evil. Sure there are cases of redemption, but they usually involve an innocent person being brainwashed

It still baffles me that, uhh, a few years ago(?), right now in the US(?), people feel secure in having a card with money tied to them, and the only level of security someone has to pass to use it is their ability to scribble essentially anything on a piece of paper. How that virtually non-existent level of security

Anyone know how to get a nice, super HD version of this? I've tried like five different things, but have all failed for one reason or another.

I'm not sure you got you're point across.

To be fair, while you and I know that difference, at the very least, iOS autocorrect doesn't. Assuming that person wrote that on an iOS device, or another device with autocorrect that doesn't know the difference, they may have intended to use it correctly but their "smart" phone had other ideas.


As far as I know, the title's still "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies", not The Battle of Five Armies or Battle of Five Armies. I know it's just a nitpick and people obviously are going to know what's being talked about, but when I saw the title in the article (and in that posted tweet), I said "wait, did

How... is this... easier?

I love that there's a picture of Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool in the article. Just wish there was a quote from someone saying "What a terrible costume this is, I saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine so I think I know what Deadpool looks like, and you look nothing like him!"

Your animated gifs show a profound lack of understanding.

Look, I know very, very little about Fifty Shades of Grey, most of what I know is loose ideas I think I might have heard somewhere or I might have just made up. And also look, I'm all for men having some facial scruff, easily a beard, and some hair on their bodies (everything in moderation though).

Is anyone else seeing this?

"Sex work and drugs are a-okay, but if you're a man who has sex with men, you should probably get on HIV medication right now, y'know, just in case." — WHO

My opinion is going to depend very heavily on whether Captain Picard's fish was a lionfish...

I live in Ontario right on Lake Ontario. When we have a drought, we're told not to water our gardens and plants.

"You're one in a million!"

Raccoons are awesome.

Yeah, no, I got that that was your point.