
I was always amazed how much that show changed, even just in like the first three seasons (I tend to just ignore that last year...)


Barely 2 seasons.

"Homer remembers his wild youth back in the mid 90s"

Utopia is probably the most beautifully shot TV show I've ever seen. In addition to that, it was one of the most exciting, riveting, and engrossing shows I've seen. All that being said, I went into it knowing virtually nothing about what it was about other than "it's one of the best sci-fi shows on TV", and I loved

If there's a more secure system than someone having possession of a card and the ability to sign just about anything on a piece of paper, I have never heard of it, and I refuse to believe it could even possibly exist!

"why should we be panicking about Guardians of the Galaxy? ... The way I see it, the 2 Marvel flicks I had the greatest worries about prior to release, Thor and Captain America, both ended up pretty good"

Touché. I was just trying to figure out if it was a problem with the spelling or the tense or something. Definitely the fault of staring at it too long.

Admittedly I don't know much at all about disease beyond what I've learned from random Wikipedia articles, but I'm thinking/hoping that a disease from long enough ago wouldn't pose much threat to us today due to a number of factors, but mainly because we would have changed enough and that it wouldn't have changed at

Come to Canada; our zombies are well behaved. (jk—Rob Ford gave them all crack.)

What's with the [sic]? Maybe I've just stared at the word too long, but I can't see anything wrong with "unthawed" (unless it's not specifically for that word, but how other words were used together or the punctuation or something... I really enjoy adding the [sic] to any list that doesn't use a proper Oxford comma).

I'll be honest, I have no idea how many US soldiers are deployed... 10,000? 100,000? A million? But in any case, it's no where near the size of the entire country's population, and as we know from the flu vaccine (at least in the movie Contagion... I'm not actually sure how real-world this is), just because you have

Honestly, this is kind of disappointing.

If you think this is in any way gross, I would like to know your opinion on canned tuna. They look pretty much the same, and I feel it might be a touch hypocritical to call this disgusting or unnatural but be cool with tuna.

Why did you jump from alcohol use to alcohol addiction instead of heroin addiction? You know, because jumping from alcohol to heroin is pretty much as reasonable as jumping from pot to heroin...

Yes, because there are no suburbs where public transit is consistently defunded and bicyclists are marginalized in the north.

I gotta say, I find it very interesting that you can agree on White Collar but not on Burn Notice... They both, in my opinion, seemed to suffer from nearly identical problems in that regard, and yet I prefer White Collar to Burn Notice, but you're disagreeing so much on only the one.

How dark skinned is this dark skin? Because, compared to my fellow people of European descent, I could be described as having somewhat dark skin and I also have blue eyes, but as far as I know, I'm pretty completely European... a bit of a mut of European descent, but European none the less.

Thank you for posting that image. It is the greatest thing the internet has ever produced.

I scrolled down to the "87 replies awaiting whatever" at the bottom, and didn't see this show once. Which kind of makes sense, I really don't think it's well known at all in the US, and I can't really say how much of a household name it is even in the UK, but: The League of Gentlemen.