
I will agree that they wrapped things up well, I just so greatly wished they'd done a little more with David Tennant playing the "Time Lord Victorious", "I don't need no stinking companions" character a little bit more, and a little bit more plainly.

I'm happy considering the show ended after 5 seasons and just ignoring the sixth all together.

I don't know, I think the show had the perfect ending when Jim and Pam got married. I mean, it was beautiful, and funny, and it made you cry a bit. Just a fantastic episode, and really, the whole show had been leading up to it, sure it was a comedy about an office with a kooky boss, but it was really a show about a

No finale has ever come close to affecting me as much as this show did. And not in a bad way, I mean, sure, I cried, had difficulty moving, and just wanted to curl up in a ball and not do anything (whilst my housemates were on the other side of the living room drinking and preparing to go out for the night), but that

I... I can't actually remember if I ever finished watching this show. I was watching it, and absolutely loving it whilst being amazed a show that interesting and good would be on network television... but then I heard it got cancelled, and I honestly can't recall if I ever finished it out. I know I would have been

Jesus, they finally ended this show? I... I kinda just assumed it would go on forever, since there was never really any real plot or character development, any big changes that happened would be erased within an episode or two (season, at most) and it'd back to the exact same situation they were in, in episode 1.

I agree, the way they ended LOST was insanely bold, but also so great. Choosing to end it a season earlier than they'd earlier said they would, and ending this massive, mysterious show on such a dark note by blowing up the characters with a nuke, blowing up the future at the same time, then fading to white.

According to Arizona law, the sex wasn't consensual... according the laws of other states and countries it would have been. Is there something with Arizona people that makes them less able to consent? That's the problem with age of consent laws (and really all age-based limitations): there's a lot of grey and very

I'll happily admit that a nuclear power plant, running properly, doesn't actively cause any real pollution, unlike many alternative sources of energy (though not the "green" touted sources). The fear is when things don't go properly. Whether that's an absolute meltdown that's as destructive as a nuclear bomb, and

You are aware that there have only ever been two "major accidents" in the history of nuclear power, neither appear to have been particularly massive, but at the same time, given the long term effects of radiation and cancer, we may never know exactly how many people died as a result (particularly Fukushima which was

That... that's not true?

While there probably is something to say about a show where the lead has (what we in North America, at least, would call) an accent; in response to a post about British (or Australian or New Zealander) actors playing the leads in American shows, citing a Canadian actress playing the lead in a Canadian show seems

I have a number of memories I'm quite confident are from before 3. In fact, I rather vividly remember a couple minutes on the morning of my third birthday, more vividly than the overwhelming majority of my memories (at least before for the past few years).

Just go with Sting,

You are aware that Canadians have essentially the same accent as many Americans, right? Or, alternatively, aware that "Kiwi" doesn't refer to Canadians?

Christ... things are going to get dark over the next 8 years.

My favourite episode of the entire show, that's for sure! Also probably the darkest. There's really no redeeming at the end, just barely surviving.

You're going to hate me for this... but I've watched it three times. At least.

Thank you! I said that as soon as the movie finished, I was like "uh... that was not a happy ending, entire lives were just erased, and sure they have more 'success', but... their entire lives are gone!"

People have said the movie ends differently, and it does, but I actually like it more, it makes more sense, it seems more logical. ...Then again, I haven't read the book since I, well, read the book, whereas I've seen the movie at least four times since then (including a couple viewings of the three-and-a-half (or