
As I'm sure you are all aware, the English language has no controls, no rules, no deciding body. No definition, spelling, or word is any more correct than any other. The only things that render something slightly more correct are: dictionaries (which can be wildly different, and are almost always localized or make

That was an intentional double negative, right?

Pff! You call that technology?! You let me know when you find the Neanderthal iPhone. Until then, I think we win. Ha, modernity burn!

I thought that was more than a little known fact...

I'm completely against stunt casting. I don't want them to be like "look, it's a black Doctor" or "look, it's a lady Doctor" and put very little effort into actually finding a good actor. But if they find a good actor who can be The Doctor, cast them, and be damned if they're black, woman, gay, whatever.

"Michlorians", really?

I challenge people to watch a whole bunch of episodes of a Doctor before 11, and then read that script. See if it sounds right in their voice. I feel like we think this is very Eleven-y simply because that's what we've been heavily exposed to, that's the most recent "new" thing, that's what we expect from Moffat,

We can watch it, we just can't pay to watch it.

I agree with his argument, at least I think it's been his argument, that his story is unrelated to his views on homosexuality, that it can be a perfectly good and acceptable story despite what views he holds in his personal life. I'm not actually sure he's argued this, but I'm okay with believing that. I enjoyed the

There are still places to rent movies?!

While you did briefly touch on it, the biggest thing for me to prevent hangovers, aside from always having water on me (except at the bar, because outside water ain't allowed!), is to eat a big, delicious, meal (with lots of nice salt and grease) right before going to sleep. Ideally a big plate of poutine, I eat that

Correct about Mother's Day. That's how these things work. Mother's Day, not Mothers' Day. The day for [your] mother, not the day for mothers.

Indistinguishable unless you pay attention to the plot. Then it is reboot in appearance only.

Father's Day is the day in which you celebrate your father. It's not a day for everyone to celebrate fathers, it is between you and your father, that's it. Kanye's child was one day old on Father's Day, where in the hell did it find the time to go out and find a gift, get it, and give it to him?! I am, accordingly,

My only concern is that we just had a big shift in the show (new intro, new outfit, new TARDIS) half-way through this previous series, the thought of another, even bigger shift before the start of the next series scares me (even if that new series will start 20 months later after the previous half-way point)... one

While in a practical, business sense, the new Star Trek movies are reboots, in a literal, technical sense, they are direct sequels and nothing else (well, direct sequels that take place after time travelling to the past with little focus on the characters you knew... but still, sequels).

People still buy home media?

Y'know, I think that video made me want to see the movie more than anything I've seen thus far... not sure if that's a good thing or not, but interesting at the very least.

I would also agree. There's a lot of bleed-over from one decade to the next, it wasn't as soon as 1990 (or 1991, depending on how you want to count it) hit, everyone threw out all their clothes and style and adopted a new look for a new decade. Just because some of theme look clearly '80s inspired doesn't mean it

A new computer.