
The first thing I did when I got my iPod Touch was to download Chrome and hide Safari away in a folder I named "Apple's Crap".

1. That's not true. Timeline, last year.

Okay, so:

While by no means on the scale of these buildings, the former Soviet embassy in Ottawa used to always seem a bit scary to me. Rather daunting building to almost literally walk into while on a brisk walk a short distance from where I was living. Plus it either didn't have a flag or I just never noticed it, because

You know what? I hope Carrie Fisher isn't in Star Wars. Same goes for the rest of the original cast. While there certainly are stories there to tell, I'm just not a hundred percent sure I want to see those stories. What made Return of the Jedi so bad? Because they pretty much just went "let's take all the stuff

I totally reserve the right to punch Joffrey in the face. This article changes nothing!

Could be interesting if that's the "lip service" they talked about doing. Have Tony call up one of the other heroes and show them ignoring the call or picking up and saying they're busy while in the middle of some huge fight. Both funny because it shows that there's other stuff going on, and could also work to tease

Yeah, I didn't sign up for anything because... meh. I signed up for Timeline to get a headstart because every few weeks there was an article saying that everyone was going to be forced to have Timeline in a few weeks, so get on it early. That went on for 8 or 9 months before Facebook actually forced it on everyone.

I am interested to discover how Pepper ended up in an explosion without her clothes.

I think Morgan Freeman could pull off Lincoln. He's powerful, he has gravitas... he could probably do a good job.

I feel like the major bad guys of the first two movies were also white millionaires...

I would also point out that Scarlett isn't a ginger.

I'm pretty sure I don't know a single person with it... but I'm in Canada, so it may just not exist here yet.

I'd say I generally feel the same as everything you said.

Legal? Maybe.

I realize this is something none of you can answer, and only I can answer it for myself, but... is this the kind of hard drive I have and use? Because I'm running out of space and I don't want to switch to SSD.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Doesn't Denmark know how we do things in America?! (I'm not American, but let's ignore that for this burn.) Corporations don't pay taxes, people pay taxes. And then the government gives that money to corporations. People also pay for things from corporations. It's called corporate welfare (or

I still don't like iPad, though it too has become something of a household term (though I'd say it's not synonymous in the same way).

I... I don't believe it.

Yeah... but most of them think they elect the president... silly people.