
Jonathan Coulton's original version is a cover. No quotations. Glee claims their version is also a cover (no quotations). It's not, it's a nearly direct duplicate of a cover. Coulton rereleased his cover claiming it to be a "cover" of Glee's cover. The quotations come from that being facetious, it's not a cover

There were so few people in North Dakota when the law was written, they didn't feel the need to be gender specific. Margaret knew she could take Jebediah or Ezekiel's last name through marriage, and they both knew they couldn't take Margaret's. Why write that down in the law?

I was going to come in here and ask the opinion on this. I'm glad someone beat me to it.

As a male, I also get bored by hours of fellatio. I mean, I'm glad they throw it in there—it is a thing—but once you've seen it go on for 20 or so seconds, you're not really getting anything extra or new for every additional minute it goes on. Cunnilingus, on the other hand, I don't as much mind hours of that.

Looks like a larger version of my iPod Touch, and as I've been led to believe that the smaller the gadget the better, I have to conclude my device is better.

No boobs, you say? So, there's no point in downloading this then.

I definitely agree that this is much more than a DDoS attack (or at least I think it is, with my limited knowledge of hacking that comes mostly from Swordfish—are fingerless gloves and Halle Berry's breasts still standard hacker fare?), and I don't doubt that this will likely be dealt with very severely (unless

What can I say? I like my crack. ...Err, hipster photos of food with fake filters applies.

The closest I've ever come to this is Gmail requiring me to input a pass code they texted to my phone after my email got hacked (cough, thanks for that, Gawker Media password curfuffle)... and that's pretty damn far away from requiring me to send a service government ID. Not to mention the fact that there are people

The show takes place in an alternate universe where people frequently break out in song and full musical accompaniment can come from a single piano or nothing at all. In this alternate universe, autotune is their natural singing voice.

I was interested in getting the app just to see what it was like. But for 99 cents? No way!

How come the logo at the top of the site features the title in yellow with the background colour a purple-ish-pink colour, but the favicon for the site (at least on my computer) has the K in a yellow-ish lime green on a redish background? This has long bothered me (because that's the kind of thing I get bothered by).

You could be sent to collections or sued... but come on, fuck Bell, those guys suck.

In the 19th century travelling to the Moon was an engineering problem, yes, but but back in the... whatever-th century BC, travelling to the Moon was a scientific problem because the moon was... a goddess in a different plane of existence humanity could never reach... or something. You know what I mean? Time goes on

Right, I figured the big boys would have a different set-up. My knowledge is with the smaller guys like Koodo and Wind and Virgin which have the "tab" (or whatever they call it) set-up.

True, but English is a dirty amalgam of old Germanic language, French Norman, some Celtic, Latin, and so on. At least French has been essentially headed in one straight line, making its own destiny, alone, for quite some time (regional dialects notwithstanding) and can be traced backward in a straight line for a

I'm not sure how or why or when I first had it... Never lived in Quebec so it wasn't that much of a cultural thing, but people in Canada are aware of it (and, like I said, it is available in a lot of places, at least in Ontario). I just can't remember first discovering it and thinking "fries and gravy and cheese all

Denny Crane.

I'm not trying to deride your religion or your right to it, but I just feel like if you aren't taking your Bible literally, than you aren't trusting in its infallibility, and if you aren't taking it as infallible, then you aren't taking the Word of God as infallible, and if you're doubting the infallibility of your

Sucker Punch is weird.... and kinda bad, but it really just came across to me as if Snyder woke up from a crazy dream, quickly scribbled it all down, and then somehow got funding and actresses to be in a movie based on his scribblings with little to no editing done after he fully awoke from the dream. It's weird and