Game of Thrones references?
Game of Thrones references?
I'm pretty dedicated in keeping track of my privacy situation on Facebook. Maybe not as much as you, but I have dummy accounts so I can see what my friends see, I can see what non-friends see. I always check the little privacy setting box on posts, I try to go through the privacy settings every time changes are…
True, but sometimes it's necessary to get the image to display properly or to prevent it from becoming a dead link. I'd say reposting is only really wrong if you are taking credit for someone else's work or trying to pass it off as your own.
On the one hand, I do agree. It's a bit odd to take a photo that you didn't take and doesn't feature you, from Facebook because you're friends with one of the people in it, and then repost that photo to Twitter. I may even agree that there was a time this was very inappropriate and indecent.
I love that they keep doing this (it was absolutely great when I lived away from home and didn't want to have to pay long distance to call just about anyone (if you live locally but had a phone number from home, it was long distance; if you had a local number but weren't currently local, it was long distance; if you…
I realize that you may well have simply meant "those assholes, who happened to be Chinese" and weren't implying anything about the morality of peoples, but in case that's not the case, I'd like to remind you that people would do the same thing just about anywhere the…
So... the injuries weren't from the sharks evolving the ability to breathe air, and then intentionally breaking out of their cell and going on a land-shark murder rampage?
Couldn't have included some Klingons or Borg to that image? I mean, I count 21 ships from Star Wars and 2 from Star Trek (well, 1 from Trek, 1 from Enterprise)... doesn't seem even.
Just from some quick Googling:
The look of his work lives on in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
They ordered a shortened season, fired the show's creator without telling him, lost five of the biggest and most influential writers on the show (excluding Dan Harmon), scheduled the show to air on Fridays, cancelled the show's premiere and made it T-B-D, and will finally air it in February (with a Christmas special…
That actually looks pretty classy and nice. I think you Americans might just have a bias towards your green and otherwise-colourless currency.
I'm pretty sure the Roddenberry-Abrams Principle proved that upon entering a black hole, you are transported back in time, roughly 140-160 years...
Don't I remember hearing that a bunch of those news sites that erected paywalls lost money, and certainly the most popular news sites don't have paywalls, so what does that say? If streaming releases were immediate, that would eliminate a whole lot of piracy, but when you can get something immediately, why would you…
Did I miss something? When did Benedict's character get a name?
...Still a beautiful trailer.
Was the flood particularly violent, or is this just a normal amount of damage caused by being underwater, because that place looks rather destroyed.
Yep, he's asking himself "why does an excersize look exactly like the hallways on the ship? And, for that matter, why does that hallway junction look exactly like Engineering, except with the consoles removed and the blast doors closed?"
WWE games have sucked since THQ stopped using AKI.
G.P.o.t.I.C.... NAMBLA?