
I lost my dad around the same time Di died, and I was Harry’s age. I have always, always felt a strange kinship to both Princes because of this. And seeing them happy now (and championing mental health) is really nice.

I still am unable to see a picture of Harper, or hear his voice, without having a deeply felt sense of disgust and anger at his brazen attempt to destroy our country’s entire social system. I am glad he is gone. It will take a while for his influence to fade, but people are working hard to erase his destructive and

I don’t disagree with your assessment (I remember feeling embarrassment about Harper and how he was stripping Canada of everything that made us something on the world stage) but I will say that as a Canadian, coming to this site and others like it, feels me with relief. It reinforces my belief that you aren’t all

They see us as one nation who elected this asshole (and there is no better term for him) into office.

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

My question back would be, “Would you say this to a man?” Because confidence, and pride in your progress, and trying to relate to others are generally seen as positive traits...at least in men. So....is your supervisor a man or a kick-other-women-back-down kinda woman? Because this sounds like a crap comment from a

At my previous job, which my horrendous boss literally created patently untrue write-ups of me by the dozens for in order to fire me with cause/a paper trail so corporate would deny me unemployment (thanks, assholes!), let’s just say I’ve learned the hard way that shitty bosses are not above making up complaints from

Sounding more like you ain’t the problem. The part that sucks is if enough of the little wheels keep squeaking, you will get perceived as the problem. Been there, too.

I think maybe lt wetter is not allowed to give the exact number, but he’s throwing the reporter a bone by confirming that it’s a number in a range that is definitely racist.

I want to point out that Alamo, which was born here in Austin, has 6 locations in town with numerous screens. And it looks like they were offering this at one location on one day on two screens . Seriously dudes, WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK? Pick another showing.

Why the hell do people keep saying it’s either this or prison? Where is the prison coming from? Is this something he brought up?

She’s also as messy and thirsty as he is. She’s really not on some higher level.

Both of them would look taller if they would buy pants the right length.

I wonder if it’s because now everyone has Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/whatever the apps are that kids use and so the idea of being unseen and unknown is simply incomprehensible to them? I wish we could reintroduce it as a viable way to live. I think a lot of this meaninglses self-promotion is harmful to the psyche,

Katie Holmes, I heard.

I don’t care how many stories the kardashians plant, we all know Scott was done with kourtney long before she was done with him.

I won’t dispute that Jamie is attractive, but you seem to have an interesting definition of tall.

I think the point if the exercise was that the last thing he was in is showbiz and not jail