
Yes, the map is protected by copyright. See this page for more info https://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-protect.html#:~:text=Copyright%2C%20a%20form%20of%20intellectual,%2C%20computer%20software%2C%20and%20architecture. Whether you can copy a shed would depend on the particulars of the situation. Believe it or not,

The author is couching it in terms of whether MGM was “harmed” by the maps, but whether there is harm is irrelevant to something being infringement or not. The law protects the copyright holder’s prerogative to decide how their art is used, irrespective of whether it’s harmful.

Rare made goldeneye, which had maps. Those maps are considered “art” for copyright purposes, in other words those maps are someone’s creative expression. That expression is copyrighted automatically under the laws of most countries. Now some person takes those maps and traces them into another game using the new

Rare made goldeneye, which had maps. Those maps are considered “art” for copyright purposes, in other words those maps are someone’s creative expression. That expression is copyrighted automatically under the laws of most countries. Now some person takes those maps and traces them into another game using the new

Ubisoft gave them tools to make levels ... If they use those tools to copy someone’s IP then Ubi is saying they won’t condone it. Whether what the user did is “wrong” or not is an ethical question, but remaking copyrighted levels in another engine is still a work derivative of the copyrighted work, which is

How do you think the extremely narrow fair use exceptions to copyright apply here?

Copyright holders don’t have to take any action at all to preserve their rights. They cannot be lost except by very intentionally releasing them to the public domain. You are confused by trademark dilution caselaw. Please don’t pretend to be an IP lawyer on the internet.

He copied the levels exactly... It's clear infringement

All lawyers have to do is browse Kotaku and they will get word of all the good fan projects so they can shur them down


Thanks for summarizing the options, this was great

Even worse, I see a parallel to casinos giving free slots vouchers to get you in the door. Here, the first gamble every day is free, but after that you have to pay.

Or y’know, we could just charge money for games commensurate with their value and not exploit the consumers. There’s no good reason for any of this lootbox nonsense to exist in the first place. So yes, kill the model.

If you can play Ori then you should be fine with shooters also

On the other hand this sort of reduction can cause longer load times due to compression so it is always a balance.  Hopefully this update hasn't added any overhead.

You imagine wrong though -- lots of controller gamers out there

Nah it is most definitely a gbc game.  The enhancement doesn't turn it into better graphics or anything

Shantae for GBC really holds up.  I played it a couple years ago and was surprised how modern it feels.  Could easily be a 2021 indie game.  Highly recommend 10/10

This is pretty clearly parody though so he should have grown some and risked the lawsuit. The current product on offer without the images seems awful.

Good riddance.  This quote doesn't surprise me at all given the way he belittled the community all the time.