
My neighbor's got one of these. It makes the weirdest noise when it passes by, sort of a woo-woo. Personally, I'm not a big fan of it, but he seems to like it well enough.

I don't think I've ever seen the stereo placed next to the shifter. Then again, I've never been in a car with an 8-track before.

Frankly, if you're gonna be a spy (or a criminal, for that matter), you gotta have a very incognito car that wouldn't arouse suspicion. Something nobody would think twice about. Something that can just vanish into a crowd in the blink of an eye.

Nope, surprisingly

As a high schooler, we do have a Personal Finance course that we HAVE to take.

I live in a pretty new $1m home area, and a disproportionate number of people on my street are young families with kids driving expensive cars (Maseratti, S6, etc.). There's no way there are that many 20/30 something's making enough figures to pay for that. One guy has car payments that are higher than his mortgage!

"YOU FEEL IT BABY? I DO TOO." makes me crack up every time I hear it. It's cornier than the state of Iowa.

Splendid, even.

This is the best thing I've ever seen in my life.

Can't let you do that, Lexus

Don't have my phone on me, but this is pretty much it. Not shown is the long-ass winding key on the side.

It's actually a pretty advanced piece of equipment for 1926 tech. The records play for 5 or 30 minutes at a pretty high RPM, the needle's diamond and tracks on a gear, and sounds astonishingly present. And it makes a good break front :P

Huh, my parents have an old gramophone in the living room that has a little knob that puts a ball in the horn. I've never thought of it that way before, to be honest (but then again, it gets used once every 3 years).

Well, I guess that's not the only thing that's tiny in Quartzite...

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Anyone else hear this when they saw the pic?

Why does this dude have a big building in the middle of town just to house his cars?

Aaand you'll pay the equivalent of a minivan just to keep it running.

The old money tend to prefer avoiding conspicuous displays of wealth, i.e.: flashy cars and mcmansions. You'd be surprised at how many patricians drive very plebeian cars like Golf's, w220s, 328i's, older Range RovAHs, Accords, etc. The people who matter'll know ;)

There's a difference between going 80mph in a 60mph zone because the rest of traffic is going 80mph, and being like my brother and just going 20mph faster than everybody else at all times. One's just following traffic, and the other's just being an idiot because "real drivers drive fast!" >_>

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Jaguar X Type, sedan or wagon (good luck finding the wagon). AWD, actually really reliable (it's built with Ford parts), comfy, and can be picked up for <$10,000 in pristine shape. And it's a Jaaaaaag.