I blame the absence of fathers in the white community. Where is the personal responsibility???
I blame the absence of fathers in the white community. Where is the personal responsibility???
“Damn it, Philly we better than this.”
West Philadelphia burned and razed?
Can someone smart explain to an idiot like me why they chose to show all these clips in reverse? It really takes away the effect of these injuries for me. I’m confused.
I don’t know what my problem is. There were many times this season that watching football left me more horrified than entertained. However, I can’t bring myself not to watch. I still look forward to watching games and I still enjoy the vast majority of my viewing experience despite the aggravation of watching replays…
I don’t know. I don’t think it’s that weird. I do it all the time. Sure, some people think it’s weird but not everyone is a dog person.
Looks like the live Deadcast went great.
Hopefully now you guys have a better understanding of why I broke up with her.
Ummm ok? It’s still incredibly inappropriate for someone with no relationship to said child to call them a “pissant” on a regional radio station.
He could throw himself to the ground, but if he touched the rope (or any part of the ground on the other side of the rope) while he still had the ball, that would count as the ball going over the rope. Looking at the replay, it looks like he might have been able to throw himself to the ground in bounds, but probably…
He can throw himself on the ground, but only before the boundary line. If he goes over the line with the ball in his hand its 6 runs. If he throws it back and the other guy doesn’t catch it (or drops it before going over the line), its in play and the batter can score as many runs as he can manage before he stops at a…
A catch is only a catch if the player stays in bounds. If he steps out, its the same as if the ball travelled there by itself. Its why you see guys making catches near the boundary toss the ball in the air before they cross, turn around and catch the ball when they are back in bounds. Think if baseball had an out of…
I’ve tried a lot of different brands from the big names to independent coffee shops to narrow my selections to Trader Joe’s Wake Up Blend and The Black Cow Cafe’s (Pleasantville NY) Frontal Lobe & Genetha’s Cabin.
The body language though is still pretty similar to Robert Smith, the vocalist’s, credo: act like you’ve been in a morgue.
Incredibly bummed this isn’t just Magary in his living room in an ill fitting polo and cargo shorts screaming his head off and scaring his children.
Not mad, just disappointed.
10 “HELP”
The legacy of MLK Jr for Trump’s America is that they all point to his National Holiday and say, “Look! You won! There’s no racism anymore, so quit your bitchin’, you lazy, uneducated welfare queen thugs.”
Only the sultan can afford Sugru!