Just Some Guy

My parts are great, supportive, and I have a great relationship with them. But ever since I started making good money, I’ve felt a compulsion to hide this fact from them. Living within your meager means is such a part of their identity that I feel like the very fact that I’m successful would create friction (even

Not that I want to defend Wal-Mart who I believe is wrong here, but your comment makes no sense since the objection is ostensibly about keeping pornographic and dehumanizing materials away from children. How is “don’t buy it” an answer to that. (I don’t think this qualifies as pornographic, of course)

Cultural touchstone is strong, but it was absolutely one of the most ubiquitous and universally loved movies among my peer group.

Shit, I bought that FastSnail one yesterday during the sale, and the timing sounds pretty suspicious now...

https://camelcamelcamel.com/ and similar websites are a great antidote to deal-hype. It can be tempting to jump on a limited time offer, but when you realize the price has been within $0.89 of the current price twice in the past month, you can afford to wait and think it over (or alternatively, it really is an amazing

The best part is when Golic (a professional interviewer) rephrases it “go back in time and fight.” Much clearer!

It was the hotels.com website.

Tip: If you need to cancel a non-refundable hotel reservation booked through a 3rd party, do not use the web! Call and talk to someone!

“Let’s see, there are 29 of you (anyone seen Bill? No?). Let’s get 12 chairs, that should be plenty! One row of 12, one row of 17, perfect symmetry. Now you start the 2nd row. Yeah, get right in there, directly right behind the first chair. That’s it exactly! Alright, now you 3 randomly stand on the end. No, don’t

Basic fact: The easier it is to compare prices, the more competitive prices are in that marketplace. You only need look around and you can see that this is true, and it has been proven time and again.


As long as we continue to believe our compensation is a gift from our benevolent corporate patrons based on their own just interpretation of our worth to society these discussion with go nowhere.

There is a certain performative style of storytelling where basically every single line of a story is delivered like it was a killer punchline that I am certain is responsible for most of the phenomenon described here.

Cool. I’ve never been to Yellowstone but I can assure you the Grand Canyon is a much better trip.

I honestly can’t imagine how little shame one must have to be a major league executive and lobby for this.

Looks like the Florida GOP was on such a roll they decided to Gerrymander the time zones, too!

Private schools will be so good that every student will get straight A’s. Once 100% of students are on academic scholarships we won’t need financial aid!

I thought the NCAA Cup Police were more of an investigative body, seems like they’re really overstepping their charter here.

Losing so many great first names in one transaction will be difficult to recover from.

I think of it as a “break glass” type of thing. My wife and I could access each other’s stuff if we really wanted, but we have made no effort to make it easy (and no effort to make it impossible either). If she really felt I was hiding something from her, there are plenty of ways she could get at my email and figure