I love Sports Illustrated. I can’t wait to get home today and see if their March Madness Preview issue is in my mailbox!
I love Sports Illustrated. I can’t wait to get home today and see if their March Madness Preview issue is in my mailbox!
Pictured: A man who runs a business so unsuccessfully, he requires federal exceptions to wage laws in order to keep it afloat, even though his product is so beloved as to be considered “America’s Pastime.”
Except they Uber aren’t pioneers here, they are less capable people trying to play catch-up and putting others at risk while they do it. This would be more like if years after the wright brothers first flight, a non-aeronautics-focused company built their own copy of a plane and tried landing it in urban areas.
If this is the direction you’re going to go (and it is a stupid direction) then wouldn’t metal detectors make a lot more sense?
Dank Super Date: Sparo Edition
Saying he is no different from other republicans because they’re all bad and racist is exactly the same logic used in saying Trump and Hillary were both the same because they both had “scandals.”
This stuff is hard, I get that, but the president’s insistence that things were great and refusal to push FEMA to do more, all in an effort to say how great he is, is shameful and makes this worse than Bush/Katrina, IMO.
In my experience if you go to a nice airport bar the food is quite pricey, so I’m talking about getting a Subway sandwich or something.
I think unethical is debatable. My company wouldn’t mind me buying a steak, a salad, and a drink at an airport restaurant. Instead I buy a few cocktails for the same price. I also never am in a position to misrepresent what I spent it on (there are no specific guidelines). If pressed, I would admit I had 3 hours to…
Mercifully, no I do not.
Pro Tip: If you you travel for work, buy a cheap meal with your own money and rack up a large tab at an airport bar which you put on your expense report. Personally, I’d rather not admit to my boss I spent $80 on booze, but when I only turn in one receipt it is assumed there was expensive food in there too.
For a guy who is being handsomely paid to lead a dozen or so specific students that is a very general statement to make. Which players does he feel don’t respect that flag, why does he feel that way, and what does he plan to do about it?
For diet reasons I started eating non-fat greek yogurt with fresh blueberries mixed in instead of Chobani-type prepackaged stuff and, after a day or two, came to the realization it is actually much tastier.
I feel that giving someone a raise here makes zero sense.
I would posit that it will be more like abortion, and it will continue to be a political football for years to come, being used by both sides to smear the other while nothing actually happens, though also like abortion it will probably do more good for the GOP.
If you pay for a financial adviser but, instead of good financial advice they just tell you to put your funds in the less-than-ideal account that pays them to tell you that, you have not actually gotten a financial adviser.
If you ask me, you can’t legislate evil and people are going to do drugs anyway. Whatever happened to taking responsibility for your own actions? Maybe don’t do so much drugs and you won’t OD (crazy idea, right?). People want the government to solve all their problems and tell them what they can and can’t do. This is…
Who says that their tennis rackets are 28 inches?