The Republican argument against the Fiduciary Rule is that it would make it hard for lower income people to see a financial planner.
The Republican argument against the Fiduciary Rule is that it would make it hard for lower income people to see a financial planner.
This would work up until the point where Sam climbs a ladder into the bedroom window and Clarissa’s husband shoots him in the face.
This sounds more like he and his agents didn’t properly set their expectations for the market.
True, but an overweight person can just as easily say “I give zero fucks about the person next to me, I paid upwards of $200 for the seat and i’m going to get as comfortable as possible. If you don’t like it sit in [a better, more expensive seat].”
My post was satire. I took the original post and switched the behavior he considered offensive with his own inconsiderate behavior and justification to highlight his hypocrisy.
normal person with below-average sense of smell here.
In fairness, I don’t think it was the infraction that they had an issue with, but the amount of effort it would have taken to make a federal investigation ‘go away’ in order to retain the guy who brings Trump his diet Cokes.
Because when seconds count, the police are only minutes away
Another decision for 10% of the population: Do you want to play left or right handed? The truth is, both hands require dexterity so it isn’t required that left handed people play guitar left handed.
Get your “Jordan would have chosen to play the best team” takes ready, folks!
I agree with Sorkin on this one. I re-read To Kill a Mockingbird recently and, in a way, it is probably the most racist book I’ve ever read. Besides the “white people solve racism” story, the message seemed to me “be nice to black people even though they are inferior to us.”
Yeah, size 14 here, and that’s exactly why I continue to buy online despite the hassle. Going to a brick-and-mortar store usually involves having 1 pair to choose from in a given style.
I felt the same way about the Bears last year. If you’re coming off a bad season you don’t want to get locked into expensive, long term contracts since it is hard to attract good players without overpaying and you need to roll the dice on prospects in most of your roster holes anyway and don’t want veterans in the way…
I have to admit I live in fear that Amazon and/or Zappos is going to cut me off if I don’t take it easy on the returns. I think I returned 5 or 6 pairs of shoes in a row once after a string of bad luck trying to buy dress shoes.
“Your destination for irrational sports talk.”
That’s nothing, I was in the middle of a week long bender in Cleveland and gave Jimmy Haslam some valuable NFL draft advice.
eagle-eyed internetters spied that Colbert switched the arrangement of the glasses that he pulled onto his desk while looking at someone offstage.
Hoteliers that fail to include an exhaust fan in the bathroom should be jailed.
‘Market forces’ is not a great explanation for why CEOs get paid so much, as this article generally explains, but I honestly have yet to read a convincing argument for why they get paid so much. My feel is it has alot to do with group think and a mistaken idea that if you pay more you get more, but that is not a…
I trust you will do the right thing and retract this article.