Just Some Guy

I will bet that we’ll see it come back in a couple weeks. They probably made it live for a short period to see what they got, then took it down while they comb through it and decide if they need to make changes. This seems, to me, like a Nintendo thing to do.

Absolutely, but that still makes them the real villains, IMHO.

Our congress legalized theft. Then, Amazon committed a legal act formerly known as theft. 

Being outraged by corporations not voluntarily paying taxes they are not legally obligated to pay is a massive waste of energy.

I’m guessing they felt the word could only be used in the context that the audience feels the character who used it is wrong for saying it. So a white character says it, the show is telling us “he is wrong for using that terrible word,” while a black character says it to a friend, you’re condoning its usage.

Breaking: Chicago Resident In Decent Shape. Sources says he works for the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball team.

I think it’s cool that he got his BAC tattooed on his arm so that the responding officers knew what they were dealing with.

I have a bunch of daughters

When I was little, my parents wouldn’t let me play with toy guns. It definitely inspired me to be very afraid of guns, to the point that when I was in Boy Scouts I avoided the shooting range when possible and felt uncomfortable every time I fired a gun. I honestly don’t know that is a good or bad thing, but that is my

This is shocking news: 20% of the health advice on the doctors is proven by science?!?!

1. Politicians need airtime. It’s their oxygen. Without it they die.

Big pieces... little pieces... masterpieces... Rhesus Pieces

I’m curious if these same distinctions exist in other international competitions, or is it just the Olympics?

I don’t see the Muppets as a reboot. They’re characters that have appeared in alot of stuff, sure, but I don’t think the intent is really to recreate the last thing.

I would feel differently if she did her best and just wasn’t that good. Like, if she was a speed skater and went as fast as she could but was slower than everyone else. But she didn’t even try! She did zero tricks!

I can’t stand it when you go to a counter service restaurant with trays and disposable plates, but you are supposed to leave your trash on the table.
As in, there is literally no large garbage can, there is nowhere to put your tray, and if you ask an employee they say “just leave it, we’ll come pick it up later.” I

I learned Eliassen or two. 

To sad fact is, by 2014 standards this was exemplary corporate behavior in that at least something was done. (This is not intended to be a compliment to the Mavericks, just an indictment of corporate culture in this country).

Putting your phone in the shopping cart basket with music playing while shopping has got to be the ultimate dick move. I have seen this more than once!

“It’s not really his place to comment on us,” Mattingly said.