Just Some Guy

This guy is mentally ill. He would have used a bomb or a car or a knife or a hammer if he didn’t have access to guns.

Whether it was done on purpose (unlikely) or by mistake, how did this get though? There was clearly an edit in Redick’s segment as it was, so somebody listened to it...

It is truly unfortunate Wendy’s things happen at a major news outlet.

That’d make sense if it wasn’t for the fact that gun manufacturers have been shrinking since the end of the Cold War.

the absolute craziest, most insane gun owners...who are also the ones who are actively defining the NRA’s policies and the political debate on the issue.

So what, we’re supposed to eliminate those words from our vocabulary, and then when they’re considered exclusively racist terms and the racists who want plausible deniability use another word we’ll stop saying that one, too? Where does it end?

If guns aren’t convenient then homemade bombs will be.

You could pretty much add “articulate” and “thug” to the list at this point as well. Knucklehead is quickly gaining traction to replace thug is thug loses it’s subtlety.

And there’s no way those corporations would pass on the cost to consumers so Yay lets make big business pay cause then it’s free for us!!!

This would actually make a good Seinfeld episode, only it’s Bania who claims it was his idea. “We were in my car. We got coffee. We talked. That’s not a pilot!”

“Actually, you will save many lives, but not every life!” Owned!

The team celebrates at the finish line.

I see a free bumper in your future...

Anyone who thinks they have shitty job, remember: some poor sap was just given 12-hours to teach Boston radio jocks to be sensitive.

So, as readers of this post, we have three options:

I don’t doubt that the actual amount is very low, I just found it odd that someone would latch onto the $90 figure which was never presented as representing a typical disbursement.

One thing that amazes me is how often I’ve heard someone who is otherwise very progressive rant about how people on welfare live like kings and how easy it is to game the system.

Hence why “the vast majority of recipients” receive more than $90 a month... 

I think the problem with how the Bond character relates to women is that, ostensibly he is a man who is irresistible to women. However, the reality of the films is that he is a man who is surrounded by paper-thin female characters utterly lacking agency who throw themselves at him because that is simply who they are.

Probably because it sounds extremely similar to Pyeongchang and none of those do?