Just Some Guy

“Every time you buy a Hyundai, a portion of those proceeds go to childhood cancer research,”

This will certainly give pause to all of the people who believe anyone should be able to enter this country at any time with impunity and oppose the wall because it is such an efficient means of controlling our borders. Makes u think...

Option 1: Pull off non-touchdown kneel-down at 1 yard line. Run 3 plays to drain clock. Make Field Goal. Stop Last Second Desperation Play

I’m torn between “Loria is an asshole” and “Miami is run by idiots,” though the latter is probably the key one, here.

the credit rating industry’s goal is keeping our credit scores as low as possible so they can make as much money as possible on charging us interest.

Good call! I hadn’t thought of that.

Service will continually scan your inbox for relevant metadata.

If I were a Boston radio jock I’d probably call in sick today.

in certain parts of Houston, you would pay as much as 17%

Yeah, any email with an easy “unsubscribe” link doesn’t really bother me. 1 click, gone.

stepping out from a crowded house party to go hang out on a freezing ass porch or in some windswept yard and drinking in the dark. You could smell the cigarettes and hear the din coming from everyone inside and everything about it felt correct.

I was in junior high in the mid-to-late 90's when the internet was brand new, nobody knew what they were doing, kids were curious, and adult-content-filers were a joke (misspelling Australia.com brought up hardcore porn, which a girl did by mistake).

If there were no female firefighters, maybe you have an argument for political correctness gone mad. But there are, so Fireman is straight up inaccurate. I don’t understand how you could even make an argument.

I’d submit Paper Mario: Color Splash and Yoshi’s Wooly World as worth porting as well. I’d also re-buy Star Fox if they fix the motion controls which made the game almost unplayable to me.

I would buy a Switch port over a regular console version of something, even if it cost more, had worse graphics, and was missing some content.

Michelle apparently missed her calling with a guest spot on The Office.

I love it when athletes respond to major news with gifs, because it forces the flacks on ESPN and the like to verbally explain the response, which never gets old.

They make money by selling games. If they release less games they makes less money. Why on earth would you conclude that this news would make them less interested in releasing games? That makes absolutely no sense.

Not to mention the renter may be cool with spending $70 for a 2 hour repair but will probably refuse to pay $2,500 for a 3-day debacle once the replacement part comes in.