Just Some Guy

As a counter-example, in Chicago we have WSCR which is best known for mixing sports with liberal politics and viciously insulting meathead callers trying to make hot-takes. Most of the contributors are experts talking X’s and O’s versus hyped up former players. Even Ditka is mocked constantly and Jay Cutler was seen

A large portion of life is people treating you like shit and, as an adult, you are forced to take it. If you are Tom Brady talking to some shitty radio jock, it is not one of those times, so I’m not sure why you would.

a federal law banning these kinds of state and local subsidies to private businesses.

Instead of yardage, penalties give your team a disadvantage. Roughing the passer? Sit in the penalty box (and only have 10 men). Offsides? The defense isn’t allowed to cross the line of scrimmage on the next play. Holding? You are not allowed to touch that player on the next play.

In all seriousness, if each team got to use a football cannon once (and only once) per game it could be kinda cool.

I still don’t understand your point. This doesn’t reduce the ads and muting these ads would make you less likely to use an ad blocker.

Also keep in mind, all that carbonation that is released is not going into your stomach where it otherwise would. 

Bitcoin is a major topic right now, with at least some asymmetry between the hype/conventional wisdom and the reality. Do you honestly believe dumping the occasional cold water on it is not within the ethos of this site? That there must be a conspiracy involved?

Disabling this feature doesn’t eliminate ads or take away revenue, it just eliminates one style of ads you may find intrusive from the rotation.

executive producer of “original” content

I dislike the fact that this article is based on the author’s opinion that Dems made a strategic blunder, but it presents itself as some kind of moral judgement.

I’m curious what is considered a “catch” in cricket and if those rules prevented him from just throwing himself on the ground. Its a cool play either way, but that would make it more impressive to me.

I think a blowout is worse, because you build up all this anticipation for this big game, and it essentially doesn’t even happen. It’s like if they cancelled the season finale of your favorite show 5 minutes in.

Hearing about teams losing on purpose is especially depressing as a Bears fan, a family owned organization seemingly earnest in wanting to win, with maybe a half dozen good years since WWII.

I think this is a double-bluff. His hand is fucked, but they want Jacksonville to think it isn’t fucked and they are only pretending it is fucked. He’ll still play, but they’re hoping to buy a couple series before the defense adjusts to the reliance on the rushing game.

another outrage post from Splinter about how it’s not enough.

40 hours of Spotify a week is ALOT of music, so it is pretty much anything and everything I find listenable.

It will be interesting to see how sports beat writers are in a few years, with more teams realizing that team-controlled media is more favorable and cutting off access,

Isn’t it true that colds are contagious well before you show symptoms and possibly for a few days after? If so, this seems a little pointless and overdramatic for me.

What are the odds of this being mentioned on Fox News followed by a belligerent tweet from the president? 80%? 90%?