
No, I think it’s mainly badge whores - for example, why else would people be buying front wheel drive M-B’s that are nowhere near being competitive with other vehicles in their price segment?

You take that back, I love the XLR! My grandpa (of course) in-law has one and I got to take it up to his cabin last summer. A couple hours of completely glorious top-down mountain driving and when I wanted to get around somebody, I just stuck my bare foot in it and the car became a Corvette.

I have no clue why the ATS doesn’t sell well. Attractive looking cars, as mentioned, great handling and so on. Is this really still a case of people’s perceptions of the Cadillac of the 80's-90's?

I like that they’re daring to be a little difference. The higher trims (V, etc.) have really good presence when you see them on the road and stand out from the bland Audis and curvier BMW’s.

It shows support for a group that has had relatively no support for a very long time. It shows change. And it shows progress. Are none of these worthwhile to display?

It wasn’t that long ago that this shooting Orlando wouldn’t have had any show of support for the LGBT community. Hell, you’d probably be seeing mainstream pundits applauding it with zero backlash.

People like these West Baptist Douchenozzles make me wish part of the 1st Amendment allowed for the legal beatings of people who spew nothing but the most hateful bile.

(Actual thoughts)

Maybe take more of a “Frank Reagan” approach, like on Blue Bloods when they had a Rush Limbaugh style jock in town for a live show and as security, he had every minority officer he could get working as security........

There is a difference between exercising your rights and being horrible, hateful people. Yes, it is their right but they are making the world a worse place for it.

ROYGBIV approved. :3

The Westboro Baptist Church will now picket the NYPD. I hope none of them are “accidentally” tased or detained.

As someone who lives in Orlando and knew people who were killed and wounded, thank you NYC.

NYPD have any Mustangs?

You've misunderstood how the proposed settlement works. The money being routed to individual states is not for VW owners, but for environmental remediation projects to offset the pollution of the illegal TDIs. Car owners will get their payments directly from VW/the class action fund.

For 3 years I had the BMW version of these idiotic return-to-center joystick style shifters. I don’t get why car companies make them. My car had 3 fail safe mechanisms not present in the even stupider FCA version:

Different reviewers can have different opinions! Drive ‘em both and buy the one YOU like best. That’s my rule.

The issue is more that Jaguar touts the amazing weight-saving benefits of aluminum but it comes in at slightly heavier than its biggest competitor.

I expect nothing less from the Warlord of Crud.