
Yay Steph! You so need one. Seriously, this is not only huggable looking, it’s hug-friendly.

I really do have a soft spot for this concept. But my Inner Magic 8 Ball™ reads “Signs Point To No".

Are bearskin seat covers an option?

Absolutely. And from the opposite end of the spectrum from VW Beetle kits, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Bugatti, etc. provided platforms to coachbuilders. It certainly didn’t hurt their reputations.

My nomination is Tentasquirclical Design.

This is such great news Torch! Personally, I await the day when liquid cheese spray technology trickles down to something the common man can afford. The dream is REAL.

I sorta love it. Minus the hydrogen nonsense of course. As a more practical and better performing EV, it would be amusing. As a fuel cell vehicle, it will never go anywhere.

The first rule of Jalop is: You do not talk about Jalop. The second rule of Jalop is you do not talk about Jalop.

The color of the hood can obviously make or break a vehicle. But my favorite color is combination better, faster, stronger...

Over? I think not. As a graduate of Throwing Muses University AND the Vulcan Science Acadamy, I am what I am. And it’s only right that I warn others.

I can’t quite wrap my head around a considerably improved design STILL managing to trigger my gag reflex.

You’re abusing exaggeration. Plenty of people buy Volts. And importantly, those buyers give them some of the highest customer satisfaction rates in the industry. A great many of them are conquest sales, not Chevy diehards. I drive a Chevy Spark EV, my first GM car in my 35 years of driving, and I freaking LOVE it. The