Yay Steph! You so need one. Seriously, this is not only huggable looking, it’s hug-friendly.
Yay Steph! You so need one. Seriously, this is not only huggable looking, it’s hug-friendly.
I really do have a soft spot for this concept. But my Inner Magic 8 Ball™ reads “Signs Point To No".
Absolutely. And from the opposite end of the spectrum from VW Beetle kits, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Bugatti, etc. provided platforms to coachbuilders. It certainly didn’t hurt their reputations.
My nomination is Tentasquirclical Design.
This is such great news Torch! Personally, I await the day when liquid cheese spray technology trickles down to something the common man can afford. The dream is REAL.
I sorta love it. Minus the hydrogen nonsense of course. As a more practical and better performing EV, it would be amusing. As a fuel cell vehicle, it will never go anywhere.
The first rule of Jalop is: You do not talk about Jalop. The second rule of Jalop is you do not talk about Jalop.
The color of the hood can obviously make or break a vehicle. But my favorite color is combination better, faster, stronger...
Over? I think not. As a graduate of Throwing Muses University AND the Vulcan Science Acadamy, I am what I am. And it’s only right that I warn others.
I can’t quite wrap my head around a considerably improved design STILL managing to trigger my gag reflex.