
This really isn’t unusual; of course, the impetus lies on the government to punish the corporations responsible for these hiring problems rather having the people jerk themselves off in a nationalistic anti-immigration fervour, but it’s a very common issue in almost every industry all the same.

It was up to, but not a guaranteed, 5,000 dollar credit.

NSFW or anywhere else . . .

Bernie Sanders stickers. I refuse to tow people with those because I won’t get paid.


The one the dealer puts on when you buy your new car/truck.

“ “A car” should not require updates,”

You are not excused for not knowing better. There are no federal subsidies. And due to Nevada state constitution not allowing giving of any cash. The only thing they gave is mostly tax breaks on property tax(that was 0 prior anyways) and sales tax (which again was 0) and tax breaks on employee training.

“A car should not require updates, it should be at its best when it leaves the factory.”

That’s a load of crap. I took an 850 mile trip this weekend. The first stop was a restroom break that my wife said she would have asked for had we not been stopping. We literally didn’t stay there a moment longer than we had to. The next stop was for lunch, and the car charged exactly as much as it could while we ate.

The infrastructure argument isn't an issue. Is it an issue for Hydrogen? Sure. Electricity is literally all around, look above your head, power lines are everywhere. You only need to build or license recharging stations.

30 minutes gets you to 80% and the people doing road trips in the Model S have said the stop is actually nice to have. Not all that bad.

Can’t speak for everyone but the reason why I put down money for a reservation spot is because I wont ever have to go to a gas station again since I just charge at home. Over the air updates, great acceleration and good environmental impact. Oh and the car looks nice as well.

The Model X was far more ambitious project. Not to mention the high demand for the Model S was already tapping out production. From my understanding the Tesla Model 3 will be a more simple car to build.

You make no sense. Tesla spends a lot of time perfecting things in their cars. And the fit and finish overall is fine.

I don't get this comment. Are you both scorning Tesla-haters AND agreeing with them ?

Why do you want tesla to fail? their mission is substainable transportation and energy production

I believe it’s because they have an amazing, competitive product, yet nobody is buying them. When your name doesn’t pop into a buyer’s head as an option, you’re irrelevant.

Doors? Support for your entire back? Get that luxobarge outta here!

I can haz Baja ?