
If I recall correctly, it was the grandmother. And Grandma's gentleman friend convinces Sandy not to reveal the truth because he sees how much joy she brings to the family. I mean, none of this would really happen, but I thought it was plausibly written.

The actress who played the girlfriend in High Fidelity absolutely ruins that movie for me. It's a fantastic book. But the movie… She's wooden and uncomfortable and she and Cusack have zero chemistry. Nobody would pine for that chick, they'd realize within a week that they were lucky to escape.

Tennant is my favorite, followed by Capaldi. Season 5 was probably the best season overall, but I still really love the bulk of Season 4. Donna is by far my favorite companion.

Don't worry, it took the show fucking forever to realize it too.

Let's have an Olympics-themed episode! It'll be great!!

I'm not sure how the baby's race would even come up within the context of the show.

Hannah is, unless she has an off-screen life like Shosh, literally Marnie's only friend. I think Marnie needed to feel like someone needed her. Her "I win" was an attempt to prove she's not as lonely as she feels. Like, "I am not a monster, I am going to help my friend. I am going to be the BEST best friend ever.

It may be the first time Marnie has ever really been parented. Her mother is a disaster — her first thought was how they could "work on the Michaels Sisters" while she was living at home. Her father is absent. Marnie is desperately sad, lost and lonely, and Loreen understands that more than anyone else in Marnie's

She literally said in the penultimate episode that she had no insurance. She was about seven months or so along in the pregnancy, and several months had passed since she'd told each parent. They weren't kicking in insurance.

I think it was just an inside joke because she never showed her boobs. I don't think there was payback intended. It was meta. (Kinda lame, in my opinion.)

Marie, did you watch the show? Her parents refused to support her and Hannah mentioned several times that she did not have health insurance at all. The most recent time being last episode. Her costs would be lower in upstate, but not free. The financial realities were pure fantasy. That's fine, but there's no logic.

I took that in an entirely different way. Marnie knows she's driving Hannah insane. Hannah is also driving Marnie insane. Marnie didn't sign up to be solely Hannah's maid and punching bag.

Also, Ray talked about "being okay with structural flaws because you don't have to look at yourself." Who says an ugly house is structurally flawed? Why can't an ugly house have a good interior? Or can't be improved? Who says the good looking house is not actually structurally flawed? Aesthetics and structure are

I definitely think it was supposed to show how Ray and Shosh, though they work together very well as friends, are too different to make a relationship work. It's a bit forced given just a few episodes ago Marnie observed them being in perfect synch with one another based on interests and respect for each other. But…

Eh, I think she owns that the friendships ended in large part because she stepped away from them. She was just pointing out that Hannah didn't even notice or care about Shosh being gone until well after it was over. Hannah didn't share any part her life with Shosh anymore, so why should Hannah be upset when Shosh did

It was not an area that was ever explored (and in fact was avoided entirely), but it seems like out of the four, Marnie and Shosh should have been the most natural friend pairing. Shosh and Marnie are equally interested in aesthetics, fashion and culture. At one point, Marnie was hard-working, dedicated, loyal and

I was completely distracted by that. I get that the show wanted to focus here on the girls of Girls and get them into a final scene together (hence no Ray or Adam, and just a hint of Elijah). But why would Shosh ever invite Marnie? She never liked Marnie that much. Marnie dated Ray for a while, then treated him

There was zero narrative work done to lead into that moment (aside perhaps from Jessa's bathroom breakdown last week signaling she knows her path has been wrong), but I totally agree. It was a really, really great moment. They were all sort of at their best after that. Shosh was free and happy. Jessa was the

Though she has depth, Shosh has always been very concerned with surface appearances. It's why I was surprised last week when she chose the ugly house.

She may be self-absorbed, but she's right that her parents are absolute shitheads.