
One would think that rock bottom would be a night where you stole a dress, impersonated a prostitute to con money in the midst of a high-stakes cocaine deal, nearly drowned, got robbed of your worldly possessions at gunpoint, slept with your ex in his disgusting drug den apartment, discovered he's a heroin addict,

I don't think he's going to be super dad, I just think he'll want more involvement than "good luck with Grover, kthxbye."

They've spent too much time on her blind narcissism for her to suddenly come around after a five-minute encounter with a guy at a pawn shop.

I thought she bought the apartment. And that was why she/Desi was able to make (and un-make) all those renovations. Then again, Hannah and Elijah made some pretty major changes to their apartment, so maybe that's just a thing in this world.

I think Paul-Louis will come around a bit. He was processing a lot of information in a short period of time. His first impulse was support, then relief, then a suggestion on names. So, there's hints that he'll be more conflicted about this news than his first reaction suggested.

That was such a great episode. Could the writers/producers not figure out a way to make Marnie functional and still exist within this series? They didn't want her to grow up before Hannah did? I don't know. It is weird how that character has been developed.

Eh, I didn't think the audition friend was that odd. It seems like the type of environment where random interactions could quickly lead to a close bond. She's not selfish and self-absorbed like Elijah, so she doesn't need his input on her life. Her discount thing at Starbucks hinted at a richer, fuller life. He likely

What was the blind item!?!?

The only thing that I liked about it was his list of the types of people that come sell their shit at a pawn shop, and Marnie's realization that she was among those people. But he said nothing that she hasn't heard before. Many times. How was this more life-altering than Charlie being a junkie? Desi going full horror

The show has always been very, very invested in keeping Marnie as awful as possible. The wise old pawn shop man wasn't that believable to me because he said nothing to Marnie that others hadn't said many, many times before. I would have liked for her character to grow because she made these realizations herself. Now

I just took the insurance thing as yet another signal of her immaturity/avoidance of responsibilities. There are always options, even if it's a free clinic or Planned Parenthood. If she has chronic UTIs she knows the signs and that it will only get much, much worse without treatment. She just didn't take care of it.

She also doesn't even have medical insurance (she said that to Joshua to explain why she'd waited to see a doctor). That should have been on the list instead of "bad at sports."

Wow, I totally disagree with this. I think he is about 95 percent right. He's selfish and bitter in his delivery, but his critiques were absolutely based in reality. He is lashing out because of his own situation, I do agree with that.

Judy King has made a point several times to talk about her charity work with people of color. It's self-delusion so that she can ignore her inherent racism. To that end, getting a job for an African-American ex-con she met in prison seems exactly like the kind of thing she'd do and never shut up about.

I'm very late to this discussion, just having watched the season now, but it is a huge suspension of disbelief. Doggett is basically a completely different character in just about every way. She's more intelligent (not just more educated, but her ability to understand even basic things has drastically improved), her

I loved Mary's line, though, because it was actually in defense of someone else. Robert was thinking only of saving money and his personal distaste for Thomas (I guess they don't do the cricket anymore?). Mary never wanted Thomas to leave—she likes how he is with George, she sees the side of him that very few others

My sister's a teacher. Some schools (even within the same district) are far more adept at handling kids with special education issues (like deafness, or autism, ADHD, tourette's, whatever). It has to do with the resources, setup, special education teachers, etc. The girl said she was at a new school, so it seems she

Sarah's had a more stressful background than Lorelai? Sarah has a large, loving family who unfailingly support her and her children through her terrible relationship and career decisions. Yeah, Seth was an addict and thus emotionally unavailable. Yes, Sarah's career has been a mess. But she's always had backup from

I want to know how you know so many details about the dental history of your friends, especially ones it seems live in a different city and/or country than you. My supposition: You're either their dentist (unlikely, you would have mentioned it) or have destroyed all their dental records in anticipation of murdering

I had no idea who Josh Peck was before last night's Mindy Project. I don't know that he exactly qualifies as a "known celebrity" unless you're young enough to remember the show he was on or old enough to have kids who watched. He did a great job as Ray Ron, though.