
Thank you! This is fantastic insight, and I really should have realized that female runners tend to peak a bit later than swimmers.

Runners don’t tend to peak as early as swimmers, and female runners actually peak later—late 20s or even early 30s. That’s why it was a bit surprising when Mary Cain decided to go pro instead of running in college, especially since she’d harbored serious academic goals as well—she wanted to go to med school. (I think

I don’t follow track, but I do follow swimming, which I think has some similarities to track. One of the biggest debates that rages in the world of swimming, especially when looking at teenage swimmers (often female) is whether to go professional and forgo NCAA eligibility. There is a relatively small window of

He looks like a hot dummy I went to high school with. I would.

You know, i remembered after I published that he is an accused rapist, but would love to state for the record that nothing about Roethlisberger is hot. Just Minshy. Thank you. 

I just really wish there were a blog that would cover the nexus of sports, politics, and culture, though. 

I like as well. I would also volunteer to provide additional content to a sports-related Jezebel offshoot or sub-blog for us ladies. I feel like I’ve been training for this my entire tomboy life.

Is Megan the Jezebel sports reporter now? Because I’d be pretty good with that.

This Bear Friday is the Deadspin equivalent of a viking funeral. Farewell everyone.

Thank you, Diana, for this last bit of joy from this site. Much love to you and all the staff, all the way back to Leitch, for making this place what it was.

Bye, Diana. Thank you for your amazing work here over the years, and I’ll follow wherever you end up.

A steady part of my daily routine, I’m going to miss this place - writers and commenters both. Here’s to you all.

RIP deadspin. Here’s to those of us who never made it out of the grays. The site was probably better for it.

I have literally never posted in the comments section before on this website and I regret it. This blog transformed me in ways I never thought possible, and I am deeply saddened by everything that’s happened over the last few months.

Deadspin was a good website!

God, the glory days of Thighlights.

I’m crying from laughter. This is excellent.

I have always thought of Deadspin as sports Jezebel.

Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.

jez finally becoming a sports blog is quite the silver lining here.