
Jezspin forever! But the mention of accused rapist Roethlisberger in a hot dirtbag article, without mentioning he’s an accused rapist? Pass on that.

Pic didn’t post, apparently. trying again. So will again say: Rest in Power, Deadspin (and all the great writers editors)

I went as Deadspin sticking to sports, a/k/a dead deadspin, at work for Halloween yesterday. I don’t work in sports or journalism, yet so many co-workers got the costume and we all mourned the loss. Related: the sports didn’t actually stick to the dress.

I wonder how many wipes she used during her regular travels on Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane, as per flight logs published on Gawker, RIP

I did something similar last year in downtown DC.  I was walking while catching a pokemon on my phone (don’t judge me) and stopped short when I realized I was about to walk right into two people. It was Justice Sotomayor (with a security guy with an earpiece). I took a step back and said “Oh! Huge fan!” and she

Late to this but I have two.

The National Archives did an Exhibit on American food policy about 7 years ago. It included a lot of these posters, as well as food pyramid propaganda posters over the years. And they made a cookbook with propaganda-source recipes (as well as recipes from presidential papers and other historical sources).  https://www.


The Brandeis University president’s statement releasing the report is an example of how it should be done: take responsibility, offer a real apology “to the students who brought the complaints forward, to any other students who may have been harmed and didn’t come forward,” adopt concrete actions, ground how you move

You’re such a good writer. Not to say that the other product diaries are trash by comparison, but, they’re trash by comparison.


Every single word of the merge answer is perfect. And there’s even a sports reference (because I assume you were channelling Bull Durham, the greatest sports movie of all time, with the alternate nostril breathing reference)!

But after he barfs and is barfed on, would Barry brush his teeth? His JezSpin 24-hour product diary hints that he would not.

That illustration at top, with the White House as the laces on the football, is spectacular. Well done, Sam!

Disagree! I’ve had these Mui Mui kitten heels for 15+(?) years, and love that the weird boot style metal work on the heel is kinda hidden because of the short vienna sausage height of it.

some group members are only 3/5 a member?

“It’s almost summer, and that means the smell of garbage baking in the Capitol.”

I was going to like this, but there were 69 likes and didn’t want to mess with the nice.

Go Greta! I feel less “ugh” about the world after reading this and remembering the potential of girls like you! Also, FULLY agree with you about tennis.