
Star Wars. X-Men. Game of Thrones. Harry Potter. Do it. GoT/LotR was the toughest decision for me

Comic Book Fanboys vs. Beyonce fans is a great matchup. Those who are never ever happy with anything vs those who will act like you committed genocide if you say anything slightly negative about their deity.

This is what happens when your city's identity is tied to a singular entity, be it politics or a sports team

It's more likely that the total lack of safety and publically-financed stadiums will turn me away from football than game fatigue

First internet poll, much?

You realize the irony in your sentence. The ballot is being stuffed in Firefly's favor by people whose whole existence is taking everything remotely Firefly related as a matter of life and death

X-Men is a real dark horse in this. Might be able to stop the Dr. Who train

I would say that since episode 7 or 8 the show has been on a steady uptick in quality

All types of government have failed in the past

The echo is noticeable in an empty arena

Get rid of all states. New England Town local governments and a representative democracy Federal governments only

Comic Book Fans.

The Libertarian-Dawkins matchup is so fucking close. Hope the winner of this can make a run.

I'm still upset at X-Files beating the Justice League. As for Dr. Who, I really don't mind it (grew up on PBS playing Baker-era ones) but the new tumblr-Whovians bother me. They seem to be the worst of the TV Tropes-spewing fans that are more obsessed with shipping than anything else

People will vote for Cthulhu for the same reason as Dr Who, Harry Potter, and Firefly, because it's en vogue not because it has a greater impact on pop culture and society than their opponents

It's the stand in for ZARDOZ

Everything associated with the property

Everyone not voting for Firefly or Dr Who should continue doing what they are doing

Justice League (the ONLY inclusions of Superman and Batman on this list) losing to X-Files invalidates everything.

I beat them. With my words.