
This is the worst Royal Rumble ever. They aren't even throwing guys over the top rope!

This is literally the same thing that toddlers do when they get in trouble. "No, it was a joke! I didn't mean it!"


And you've gone to at least 18 Phish shows. Real cool.

Learn 2 Reddit

NYC & Westchester County my whole life

"Please note that I included many liberal factions in this bracket—vegans, breastfeeding zealots, atheists, etc.—"

Kindle, Netflix, Comixology, HBOGo and Hulu run on all of them?

Family connections are totally allowed in my hypothetical on the fly rulebook. Immediate family only. None of this "Well, I am an NYC Catholic and a cousin went to ND, so we are all Domers" bullshit

Went to a Patriot League school. I am more excited when they win something big over the pro teams that I grew up with

Which is why team fandom is inherently silly. You are better off cheering for players that you enjoy.

"How'd you get that medal grandpa?"

I can understand the "laundry" for pro sports or a school that you didn't attend (Never understand why people are fans of colleges that they didn't go to) but the college you are attending/attended is the ONE time you can justifiably have an intense rooting interest

I know this. I was just speaking to my pet causes

True, because their other political views lie closer to mine, I am more willing to cast anti-vaxxers as "Anti-Science Liberals"

You think anti-vaxxers are conservative? They are in the same boat as the other people who are anti-science (anti-GMO, anti-flouride in the water) who are overwhelmingly liberal.

A-bloo-bloo, muh cards! BEST FANZ!

How'd you move those goalposts so far?


What else would you call them?