If Peverly was so tough, he would play despite doctor's orders.
If Peverly was so tough, he would play despite doctor's orders.
But then how else will Drew get these stories? I am mystified by the number of people who have pooped themselves
People who can only shit at home are the worst. "Dude, I gotta shit, but that's not MY toilet."
+1 Good Recency Bias
*cums* - Pat Garofalo
May I introduce you to the internet?
"But it has Matthew McCounaghey (who no one liked until Magic Mike) talking about metaphysics. This show is literally the greatest thing ever!" - People who have already forgotten how much better Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Sopranos, The Wire, and The Shield were and are unaware that they say the same things about Game…
Disgusting. Horribly unnatural. "Chloie?" Seriously?
To be fair, curling is strangely addictive and fun to watch
The worst type of people. I don't think that they are in direct competition, but I do find the NHL infinitely more entertaining than the NBA
I was just making a little joke at Lifehacker's expense
On your own? No. Getting a job at a place like Gawker Media? Kind of!
I think that he meant on McClellan's article
Montreal. To finally conclude all of the dick-sucking he received there from 1995-2003. It would be an awesome moment.
There were also the "Quiz Show" people
"Seth McFarland would have butchered that by going too over the top. "
I sense an overlap between people who would wear this shirt and people complaining that "Light beer isn't beer!" in the post below.
Ban all marriages. Call everything a Civil Union. A marriage is a ceremony. You enter a Civil Union. Problem solved
"living Rob Liefeld drawing Vitor Belfort"