Don’t want to aim too high. Chances of conviction diminish if you try to oversell it.
Don’t want to aim too high. Chances of conviction diminish if you try to oversell it.
Men’s larger throats and mouths also mean that they’re superior at blowjobs, but you just never hear those evo-psych idiots trumpeting THAT tidbit of science.
I think it’s because a lot of fans don’t pay attention for the dialogue and then get angry when they don’t understand the show as though it’s the show’s fault.
He’s a fat pig but I love your concern, Mr. Gawker Hall Monitor.
I’m guessing it’s two weeks, plus the extra weekend (7+7+2), not sure what the extra day is for, probably just a fuck you to all the people who don’t get that many vacation days a year, or don’t even get any...
Jezebel: We need to see more movies about women of colour! We need to see more movies directed by women! We need to see more movies written by women! Why are all movies told from the point of view of white Americans!
I haven’t minded the Cersei change since it would he tough to watch the book version for eight seasons.
Is anyone else pissed off that Cersei in the books is basically a myopic schemer who’s consistently out of her depth, doesn’t foresee the consequences of her actions and believes to be way smarter than she really is, and yet in the show she has become this military mastermind who can outsmart Tyrion (arguably the…
Theon has PTSD.
My friends are foster parents and recently adopted a 5 1/2 year old whom they first got when she was about 3 1/2. The child’s biological mother is lower IQ and I have to say that the little girl is probably better off in this case. When she came to them, she was behind in things like language, motor, and social…
I was concerned about this when I first heard him garbling things a bit in those Senate hearings. The kind of skin cancer he had was a malignant melanoma, which is the kind that can turn ugly and metastasize aggressively really quickly. It goes after the brain frequently.
So tired of seeing your shit responses to nearly every fucking article. Do you have anything resembling a life outside of this website? John McCain has accomplished more in 1 year than you will in your entire life sitting around looking for stars on Kinja. Get fucked.
We don’t need a frontrunner at this point. At this point in 2005, who the fuck thought Obama would be the nominee 3 years later?
Nope. That logic works the opposite way.
The government hasn’t intervened in this in any way whatsoever. We have an independent judiciary. Why is this so hard for some Americans to understand?
I’m starting to think he killed someone.
From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.
With this headline we have reached peak jezebel , we need to go no further.
I am beginning to feel uncomfortable with what seems like an attempt to erase women, or biologically female humans, from things that only biologically female humans do. Biologically female humans have the babies, and we can’t pretend like there is no such thing as a female human or a male human—even if people who are…
To play devil’s advocate, we don’t know how their relationship was before she died. While I don’t doubt that he loved her, it’s pretty obvious that she had a drug problem. He may have been detaching from her romantically anyway. I’m not saying that he wasn’t devastated by her death but he might have been in a…