“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”
“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”
Please. Beur men are primarily the ones who propositioned me on the street, masturbated in front of me constantly and bothered me when I’d sit on a bench in the park.
This column is why liberals, democrats, progressives, leftist and greens lose. It accepts the enemies framing as reality, despite all evidence to the contrary.
What Should We Make of Hollywood and Democrats’ Twisted Friendship?
It’s absolutely not splitting hairs.
My mentor used to say there are three sides to every story - his, hers and the truth - and I’d wager that Lopez’s account hews closer to the truth than the other two parties involved
oh my god!!!!!!!!
Read on another comment thread: Heather Locklear MUST play Alexis.
For the record, I write contemporary romance (and make a living at it) and “The Hating Game” by Sally Thorne is so freaking good it makes me want to weep at my own inadequacy. If you just want a book with some kick-ass sex, check out Christina Lauren (“Sweet Filthy Boy” is a personal fave...though I’m cringing at the…
My all time favorite is Jennifer Cruisie, I’m not sure how active she is anymore. Bet me is just about the most perfect contemporary romance I’ve I also have a special fondness for Jayne Anne Krentz because she was my gateway.
If I were mrs hole I would want to know. Better to know before having more kids/spending more time with him.
Okay, look, I get that women are often treated dismissively in health care.
I don’t accept your definition of gender. If you are male, your gender is male, whether you “identify” that way or not. You could say you’re gender is asexual and that’s equally divorced from reality.
I am pretty sure you are a few theories old on this one. I’ve watched debates with prominent gender studies people claiming that gender (not gender roles) and is a construct, maybe it is a fringe thing, but those people seem to get a lot of coverage. It is definitely complex and I am all for respecting people, but I’m…
Yes, it does. You can talk semantics all you want, but if your sex is male, you’re a male. You can ask people to refer to you as female, and lots of people will probably accomodate you. That doesn’t mean that what they call you actually changes anything. You’re a male. If people call you male, they’re not wrong.
In order to avoid ungreying someone whose entire comment history is the equivalent of “well, actually,” I amend my original comment to say only that murder is the number one cause of death for pregnant women.
Yeah, he notes that he was 35, like the clock was ticking, but leaves out that she was not (she’s almost 10 years younger than him).
I’m not sure we were given enough information to say whether she broke the cycle of abuse because of or despite cps intervention.
I love Glass’s commentary on how vocal fry is interpreted: “If people are having a problem with these reporters on the radio, what it means is they’re old.”