Whenever he looks at Hillary, all he can see is unsolicited chicken nuggets.
Whenever he looks at Hillary, all he can see is unsolicited chicken nuggets.
It looked like somebody took the chair away from the guy before he could throw it.
#NotLikeOtherBrides ?
We know he’s liberal, and there’s no reason to think he isn’t a good guy. And he has diagnosed anxiety and depression issues, and sometimes can’t even make it through interviews, and is never one of those raconteurs who eats up attention. This thing where we weaponize every word that passes anyone’s lips or fingertips…
I think the hope is that it's been long enough that everyone has forgotten, so it can be started fresh.
Especially when another male comedian admitted it was him (Doug Stanhope). There could be two, but...
Unless he stated it as a demand rather than a preference - and I think he stated it as a preference when directly asked, and it was about underarms - I do not think that negates the rest of his life. Can you provide something more compelling?
Really? That’s surprising. He comes from a family of Democrats and his brother is gay, and he is an actively LGBTQ ally.
Ohhhhh now I have to *know*.
The way the show was initially cast, it was supposed to be, one white guy who is a former fat guy who is obsessed with appearances, one white guy who is an underemployed directionless schlub, and the black guy was a pro athlete turned personal trainer and the joke was that you’d look at him and think he was a ladies…
I mean...it’s a comedy. The white guys are also non-threatening, because threatening men don’t really make effective friends and roommates and boyfriends in a female-led comedy. Or at all.
No, they deliberately excluded valonqar. They kept “younger, more beautiful” (queen), and Cersei’s kids and their golden shrouds, but left out valonqar.
I usually dismiss tin foil *this* shiny, but honestly it makes more sense to me than the Umbers delivering Rickon for serious. Not bending the knee, and so ostentatiously? Insulting the memory of his “dead” father? Hrmph.
You mean valonqar? They cut that from the show. She could kill her.
I hear that a lot, and they’re always baffled by the fact that it isn’t a winning comeback. This is likely because they rarely speak to actual women, and certainly not about anything substantive. I don’t know any women who support combat roles for women who don’t support the draft. Many who want the draft abolished,…
I think men have a difficult time admitting it to themselves, but yeah, they terrorize one another.
Not to my knowledge. However, the man I was responding to was discussing men’s fear of other men, so I responded to his topic.
As I said in what I believe you must be responding to:
I don’t think enough gets said about how absolutely terrifying men find other men. Physically, emotionally, mentally. The idea of losing other men’s endorsement is intolerable to many, many men, so they don’t risk it, and they’ll do and support nearly anything to keep it.