If you’re not adding peanut butter because wtf is that about then yes!
If you’re not adding peanut butter because wtf is that about then yes!
NW Florida, fuck these people, banana sandwiches are goddamn delicious. Also cheap, which is important when you're poor.
Hi, this is the only opportunity Jez will likely ever provide me to mention this brilliant book right here:
There has been no mention made of men’s cars. If a group contains males over the age limit for the women’s car, they ride in the regular cars like everyone does right now.
So far the only people who are giving me shit are people who seem to imagine they’re white knighting for Nader, but thanks.
I always thought they were being helpful too. Hold it, put it behind the counter. It seemed to correlate with times when I had a lot of stuff I was carrying around the store, so I can see how if you clearly didn’t have very much to hold and someone asked you that, it’d be different. I’ve never been asked when it…
See, that’s the thing: I don’t like trying to deny that Nader’s run, and Nader’s voters, could very well have played the exact role “bitter Gore supporters” claim.
Yes, that is why I included “there are many factors that figure in, but...” for this person who isn’t from the US and really didn’t require more of an explanation of a sixteen year old election than what I provided.
Does it matter if Nader did cause it? Do you think Nader had a responsibility to not hurt Democrats? Why should he give a shit?
Ralph Nader ran as the Green party candidate in 2000, and peeled off enough votes from Gore in close contests that many believe that made the difference in the election.
And she completely buys that the “pretty, popular girl” is lying about never having been in a conveniently unseen by anyone else relationship with her “sweet, awkward son.”
...imagine you actually liked the things coming out of his idiot mouth.
This is the guy who commented upon his then 12-yo son’s immense fuckability, so...
Does he have access to drugs? That’s the only reason.
I saw The Blue Lagoon in the theatre when I was 9. With my dad and his gf. I just.
Some of them may not be aware of the Ivanka comments. If they’re aware, then they get no credit.
Well yes, that’s what I’m saying. If they know about the comments about Ivanka and that doesn’t put them off of him - can you imagine if Obama made remarks about how bangable he finds his children? - then, IMO, it’s because they perceive this as just another example of him being brave and honest. Just like when he’s…
I think the vast majority of MEN are repulsed, but the vast majority of men aren’t Trump followers.
The reason none of his followers care about his disgusting comments about his own daughter is because to them, it’s just more evidence of Trump having the balls to say what everybody else would say about any attractive daughters they have, if not for “political correctness.” They see it as bravery.