
Every agency would disagree. He's a runway man, he's perfect for it.

*actual spoiler*

Yeah, McShane stated in a video interview that he is playing a former soldier who is now “sort of a peacenik” and that his function is to “bring back a character everyone thought was dead.” Interviewer asked, who is he, Jon Snow or the Hound? McShane laughed and said “He isn’t Jon Snow, I’ll tell you that.” So he kept


I’m so ready for Sansa to come out of her cage I stg.

Yeah, I’m shocked people still don’t get that.

No, Ian McShane is a Septon Meribald/Elder Brother hybrid. He’s getting the “Broken Men” speech - which is why they hired him - and he’s bringing the Hound back.

Well, he’s Luke’s son, so you know, there’s that.

I would rather know. I think it’s more disrespectful to your partner to lie to them every day for the rest of their lives than it is to have cheated in the first place. That could’ve been a one time lapse, could’ve been because you were drunk, or incredibly depressed or something. But to not fess up means you’re

Well she definitely isn’t a Skywalker or a Solo, so maybe you’ll get your wish. I think the scenario is hot and don’t have any problem with it.

Finn Skywalker and Rey-maybe-Kenobi-maybe-a-lab-rat are clearly the romantic pairing that's going to happen.

Who does he think he is, the president?

I look forward to the sincere and heartfelt versions of this meme that will flood the Internet when he actually leaves office.

This story is so moving. I hope Ellen finds out about this.

Since the best argument is that it is a tax levied only on people with vaginas, I think tacking on the diapers is actually a bad idea.

It’s a fishtail braid (she whispered in defeat, having failed her daughter’s hairstyle requests countless times).

My now husband first really hit my radar as more than a guy I was sleeping with when I came home from class one day and he’d been watching my Buffy tapes (yes, it was that long ago) because they were there and I’d said I adored the show, so he figured it must be really good.

Yeah, his opinion of her appearance is that she is unremarkable in any way except her eyes. There’s nothing wrong with her but there is nothing that right with her either. And I’m pretty sure the eye thing is really about her intelligence and humor, but he doesn't know he cares about that yet.

Straight men are uncomfortable with the idea of women valuing anything in men that isn’t a trait that men use to measure themselves against each other.

Back when the cult of Gosling was at its peak I fielded all manner of baffled, kind of hostile questions from straight dudes about his appeal. He wasn’t more handsome than anyone else in Hollywood, cerrainly he wasn’t more successful, It’s difficult to make men understand appeal that is based pretty much entirely upon