
For the first time in my voting life - the first election I voted in was in 1992 - I am genuinely undecided.

The first time I made a joke about this fact in front of my husband, about a year into the relationship....

Yeah, but they’re talking to Jessica Alba about things that go up vaginas. She’s telling them to go talk to their wives about it. So...I suspect this was their way of getting Jessica Alba to talk to them about her vagina.

I told one of them that only time there’s any stimulation from a tampon is when it’s been in all day laboring under heavy flow and it’s like, wiggling around in there and you’re trying to sit up in your desk chair. Then it’s more like I imagine a Ben-Wa ball would be.

I mean considering the number of men I’ve known who thought tampons were clearly being used as little dildos, I wouldn’t put it past them to suggest the applicator be ribbed.

Translation: “It’s just a few IQ points, and your child’s mind is worthless anyway.”

Yeah, if marriage is going to be your only job option, you’re going to try to get the best salary and benefits, preferably with a stable employer.

I saw three before I posted, in different comment threads, and couldn’t decide upon one to respond to. I chose that, and included romance in general, because both are narratives that primarily target women and are frequently constructed by women, with men disregarded entirely or, as with romcom films, assumed to be

Yes, that article is funny. But men are not the target audience of romcoms. Per men, they hate them and will do anything to get out of watching them. So how would they be getting ideas from them? Isn’t it more likely that they are getting their ideas from their own literature and from each other?

I’m seeing a lot of replies blaming romcoms for providing the impression that this is the way things should be - guys press until the woman gives in - but...the problem here is with the IRL bad male behavior, not IRL women romanticizing that behavior.


Oh, I don’t know...the rumor I heard was keeping Jennifer Connelly and casting Tom Hiddleston, so it wouldn’t be a 15-yo’s sexual awakening in response to a fantasy about a much older man but an older woman and the now somewhat younger-appearing man (because our fantasies change) who is still obsessed with her...you

Third victim now making a statement... Holtzclaw is trying to make eye contact with them.

You haven’t seen my boobs, tho.

My left boob is bigger than my right boob, so I qualify.

Yeah, Christmas for many women involves a great deal of wrapping and cooking and cleaning up for/after visitors, in addition to work and regular chores. It's not really a break.

Boyega and Ridley got like $300k/each, but get % points of revenue past $1 billion.

There is always a risk on the Internet that you’ll find yourself discussing a topic with someone who is way more interested in it than you.

I don’t think they are. Reylo was not accidentally sexual, it was intentionally sexual. Disney ain’t that edgy. No way they would’ve allowed that if they were planned to be related.