
I don’t think they are because I think it’s too much for Hand and Leia to not know they had another child. And the twins thing was retcon from the early plan to hook Luke and Leia up. There’s no driver here.

Supposedly she has a much larger role in the next. I think she’s a double agent. I mean, that or she’s so ineffective she needs to be put out of our misery.

Idgaf about the Rey/Finn ship, and was being supportive of the poster who seemed to like them. Can you let people enjoy things for a few minutes?

I mean, there’s a lot of time left to get through before ep 8, so we’re going to use up everything before we’re done.

One thought I had...Sabé made it out of the prequels, didn’t she? Daisy Ridley looks like Keira Knightley. She doesn’t look like Natalie Portman. I know, that’s odd since Knightley looks like Portman, but Ridley manages it to look like one but not the other. It’s the dimple, and the jut of her jaw when she smiles.

Second time through I was watching pretty closely, and definitely thought he was trying not to hurt her. But, that doesn’t necessarily make him Secretly Good And Running A Long Con. Could just be, Master said bring her to him, so he’s trying to do just that.

Cooties: The Struggle Is Real.

Hah! Oh ok, yeah I have seen people be like “How weak a Sith must he be that Rey and Finn both held their own” and umm, obviously he is not? Plus he was injured, and I’m fairly sure he was trying to not hurt her.

I was 7 years old sitting in the theatre watching Star Wars during its initial theatrical release. There is simply no way I could possibly not ship their son with the girl who is obvs Obi-Wan’s grandddaughter, those who disagree need to get off of my cloud.

Yes, I know. I just couldn’t figure out why you were telling me this when it didn’t seem to have anything to do with my post, so I thought perhaps you were referring to the part where I stated, factually, that he isn’t a Sith. Otherwise I didn’t get your point at all.

I’m not sure why you’re telling me this. Being a Jacen Solo analogue doesn’t make him a Sith, since the official word is that he is not a Sith.

I am 100% convinced she isn’t. They’re just playing off of knowing the audience would assume that. She’s probably descended from Obi-Wan.

My husband’s a SAHD, so I tend to lean Peeta just because I know that the number one characteristic the most successful women in the world share is a husband who doesn’t work outside the home. But I never cared much about the ships in THG. Except Hayffie, Hayffie is everything.

I hadn’t really stopped to think that there’s probably some fandom outrage about his relative importance as a black man compared to hers as a white woman, and where my actually unserious, meant to support the cuteness of the pairing comment would trigger people whose thoughts are leading them that way.

Is no one going to talk about how all the wizards are being played by Muggles?

There’s nothing wrong with a talented man abandoning the work force to support his wife’s career, or prioritizing hers over his own. Unless he too is a Jedi, her job is, in this series, more important than his.

He’s the Peeta. He can be her supportive rock while she saves the universe.

I think that consensus is starting to grow that he’s demisexual. It’s really the only way to reconcile what’s happening onscreen and the fact that various people with the show have said he isn’t asexual.

Still salty about the Mighty Big TV Incident of 1999 or whenever that was, I see.

All narcissistic dads end up dating that particular woman. They validate each other’s ugliness.