
MM romance is almost entirely by women, for women. And unfortunately you see a lot of internalized misogyny in them.

Straight women read M/F, MMF/MFM, and MM. In the extremely rare case that a romance novel not written specifically for a lesbian audience throws in a little FF action (and it’s never the romance, it’s used as “spice”), warning labels get plastered all over it. Similarly, ménage will get a label specifying whether or

I mean I thought you were human, but apparently you’re an advocat.

I mean the reception is probably shit, though. And batteries die.

The “girl” thing is extensively debated in the pilot.

He didn't write it. He directed every episode.

I think Hailee Steinfeld was too prominent in the film and the buzz surrounding it to be quite the same thing though.

Exactly how many Texans over the age of 200 are there?

I actually think that this particular kind of self-deprecation - showing that you consider your body just, you know, a body, with its weirdnesses and gross things it frequently does - is *quite* threatening to men...at least, the ones who are inclined to be threatened by the idea of women getting to define their own

The one on NCIS isn’t overweight, though. Painfully cliched styling, but not overweight. Jet black ponytails. The other one is blonde sometimes, has red hair sometimes.

I find it more odd that a person can develop a real interest in - much less feelings for - someone who isn’t providing them similar feedback.

I’m no expert, but isn’t their computer nerd the “Goth” woman? I think you’re thinking of Criminal Minds. But I’m unfamiliar with the NC variants, so...

Even men who show up in every comment thread on the Internet to announce how much they wish their reasonably attractive teachers had molested them when they were 14 avoid doing that when the victim is a small child. They usually start high-fiving and minimizing when boys are 11 at the youngest.

I mean...I really don't think she has a piggy nose, I just think that the Muppet looks like the Muppet version of Natalie Dormer. The Muppet happens to be a pig, but the design could be altered to not be a pig and it would still look like her.

I think this is crucial. It is socially acceptable for these boys to gang up together and discuss perpetrating violence against women with casual acceptance. Within their own peer groups there are no voices arguing, and since society at large finds misogyny socially acceptable, parents don’t pay attention to this

God, not only was that the worst experience we had in her childhood - just her confusion over something hurting her so much - but I kept one tongue sore for like ten whole days because it was exactly where one of my molars has a slightly pointed protrusion. What a nightmare.

She’s 9, and I’m completely blasé about it. I do ask her to not stand right there when I’m actually changing a tampon, just because its disconcerting, but same goes for taking a dump. Someone too close feels creepy.

There’s a set per diem for every city, CONUS and OCONUS. For Vegas it’s around 100 lodging/70 meals.

So, another official announcement from guys nobody wants to fuck much less marry intended to give the impression that they’re the ones doing the rejecting, not the ones being rejected.

I have been looking for a nice 3d representation.