
Could be age. I couldn’t orgasm from penetration till I was past 30. Then a bunch of uncomfortable feelings I'd had during penetration all along started morphing into eventual awesome feelings. That congested pained thing turned out to be a feature, not a big.

I would say that since practically none of these men will ever attract, much less date or marry much younger women, they never have to confront those questions.

Wait. The guy raped her?

So first, you know as well as I do that Eve Ensler did not contribute to this script. Three men are credited. Eve Ensler visited the set for a week during production. You know that.

No. It is not like that at all. It’s like Suzanne Collins writing a new book in which Katniss is older (because as ageless as Max seems to be, his character is clearly somewhere farther along the path of his own journey than he was 30 years ago) and encounters a group of people who have a cause she finds supportable,

The way you’re choosing to word this would suggest to someone who doesn’t know any better that “the movie makers” acquired the Mad Max rights and chose to wrap that around another story, when in fact the writer/director of the Mad Max movies himself retained the rights and this is the way he personally chose to

A certain roided up Original!Todd Manning look he has going on. Fitting.

It would probably help if the face and body of the company wasn’t a guy with his chest hair poking out who looks like he smells like mothballs. We all know old men who look like this. They smell terrible, and they genuinely do not realize it.

Misandry (coined in the 19th century) isn’t ancient Greek.

If you’ve got time to quote statistics that you claim are the only well known and respected ones, you’ve got time to source them. If it’s just something you vaguely remember reading this one time, caveat with “I remember reading this one time but I can’t really remember where” instead of “the only serious statistics

I live in Florida.

I just feel like she needs a younger guy. Chris Evans was a great idea.

Yeah, but in a vain model way, not in a Jesse James Redeux way, I think.

I think differentiating between sexual attraction and romantic attraction would turn up a LOT of bisexual but heteroromantic guys, too. The vast majority of bi men I've known are heteoromantic.

Ah, very good. Thanks.

Then I’m not sure why he bothered to lie, you know? If they couldn’t even get him on statutory, why not just admit to the sex? Then what you told your bros is the truth, and the only person lying is the victim.

But she was too young to consent to sex, so if they believed he had sex with her, they should’ve convicted on statutory. That’s why he was lying about having sex with her at all.

Four bros broke ranks, and the jury didn’t even believe them. So, even when other men *do* try to do the right thing, it makes no difference.

Yep. He’s a SAHD. Now, earn a living? Nope, that’s me. But I’m worth a lot of life insurance $$$, so he and my daughter would be fine.