
“Duke did not seem to have people like me in mind,” he added. “It was like Duke didn’t know we existed, which surprises me.”

Err...whiteness happens when white people fuck other white people. Whether they birth it or abort it, it's white. Additionally, in the US, when selective abortion or gender selection is employed, statistically speaking, girls are preferred over boys.

Yeah, the entire reason they were successful was because they made that body type look unfuckingbelievable at the exact moment that body type was enjoying a lot of media attention.

Maisie has a sex scene with an actor named Joe who is ten years her senior? I guess this means Gendry rowed to Braavos!

God bless Lena Headey, but Sharon Stone is what I was looking for in a Cersei.

I love Sam!


The problem you’re having is that you don’t understand your place.

I understood the comment to which I was replying with complete clarity. Perhaps you don’t understand the way threaded discussions work?

The discussion is whatever I say it is. If I choose to broaden it to encompass the documented larger pattern of behavior it illustrates, you can choose not to join, but the discussion doesn't require your approval.

I love how every single time, they compare the statements and behaviors of their elected representatives and other leaders with anonymous randoms on our side. Thus, “the front runner for the Republican presidential nomination” and “fuckrepugz99” are considered to be equally worthy subjects of discourse analysis.

I'm confused. Does PornHub not index searches on the gay side of the house along with these results? I find it difficult to believe more women are searching for squirting than for anything involving MWM.

Yeah, there is a 100% chance this author was channeling her Goethe/Helen shipping here.

I feel like this article is kidding about Drake and Nicki but I am not kidding about Drake and Nicki, I ship it so hard.

I will see Crimson Peak with everybody.

He’ll always be Vorenus to me. And that voice...along with Robert Westenberg, i.e. original Cinderella’s Prince in Into the Woods, that’s one of two male voices that just makes me want to drop and start saying “Sir.”

First time I’ve ever seen someone you could describe as “chinless” without that being hyperbole.

Since hate crimes do not occur in cultural vacuums and frequently the police in an area that sees these sorts of crimes actually approve of people who commit them, is there no mechanism that removes the ability to simply declare these acts totally fine and not hate crimes from their jurisdiction? I live in Melbourne.