
And they look so grim. I guess they’re concentrating on staying quiet and showing no reactions, but the result is they look like they hate their jobs. And they never look like they’re into the girls. Gay porn, those dudes are INTO each other. Straight porn, guys rarely look like they’re into the girl, physically or

Yes yes yes.

That was what I said on the original post. She is weirdly, intimately defensive of the guy, clearly involved deeply with the idea of his innate awesomeness. She sounds like a stepmom who hates her step kids and their bio mom.

I love him so much, but any misstep in his marriage and that's it, it's all ruined.

It’s like the judgment of Solomon, if Solomon had given the baby to the woman who wanted it cut in half.

The mom is intervening and trying to do something to keep her kids out of *detention*, where they will be incarcerated with other kids who have committed actual crimes, and the dad isn’t saying a thing...because this makes him happy.

Honestly, reading this transcript, it sounds like the father either paid her off or she’s sleeping with him. Why else would you take this guy’s life so personally? Defend his innate awesomeness in such a personal way? She shouldn’t even know this guy, except what she’s seen in court, yet she is talking like she’s

He certainly had the power to *ask* that his children not be locked up like criminals because they don’t want to hang out with him. Politely requesting that the judge not do this to his kids would not see him held in contempt.

As the mother of a girl in that age range, I can definitely testify to the tween thirst factor at work here.

I think the commenter is drawing the parallel between the fantasies portrayed, not the realities of sex trafficking, working conditions, etc. I mean...there really is no comparison to be made between romance novels and pornographic films on that point. But there is a comparison to be made between freaking out over the

I think everybody is going to be wishing they'd taken Chris Rock up on his offer to do two years.

I think she's talking about popular Hollywood aesthetics, which have for a long time required women with her body type to be malnourished and eat like birds. It is certainly possible for women, even extremely Hollywood-thin women, to not be malnourished, but this woman looks healthy at 160 lbs and has a large frame

Honestly, either a prank or GG types pretending to give a shit because they’re pro-anything that’s anti-woman, which is still a prank, so.

I mean giant balls sure, but the shadow of the finger is not scaled up at all.


Considering who’s holding the sign, I strongly suspect this is really about ethics in gaming journalism.

He’s not cheating on the LW. He’s cheating *with* the letter writer.

Lighten up, Francis.

“We can’t know all the facts until some triflin’ bit comes out that we can use to justify ignoring the surfeit of damning facts that have already come out. Say, anybody know if the five-year-old was wearing a hoodie?”