
There is no such thing as a broken webcam.

Thank you. It wouldn't matter HOW FUCKING RICH or how popular with nutjob voters and politicians he was, if this was a black family and a black man he'd be destroyed.

They Say Love is Blind.

Since we know most of the victims had to be prepubescent...I wonder if the fact that in their religion little girls are never considered presexual might lead to him seeing them as just as useful as the sister who had actually hit puberty. Their faith is as concerned with little girls showing “skin” as it is with

Y’all should try some Pepper Pace. She writes a lot of interracial (mostly BWWM but I can remember at least one BWAM) and deals a lot with disability. Not typical disability where it’s really just to externalize struggle and inner scars but that otherwise doesn’t affect anyone’s life that much. Disability that

The indoctrination that his parents put him through could be considered sexual abuse. I think imposing sick attitudes toward sexuality onto children from birth is actually imposing adult sexuality and adult sexual expectations onto them. Growing up in that environment, coupled with the fact that he was always taught

It was for the sense that they were seeing something they weren’t supposed to see. Like, that the girls were underage, or took drunk to really consent to posing, etc. Same reason upskirts and other creepshots remain popular even while porn is readily available to all. There are a lot of dudes who primarily get off on

Oh ok.

The BDSM romance subgenre actually does lead heavily toward wrapping itself in so many props, costumes, rituals, honorifics, fantasy clubs, etc that it might as well be a Regency. Just replace Almack’s with The Whipping Post, or whatever the club is called.

Willing Victim is not Dark Romance, is the thing. I have never seen consent more skillfully yet explicitly negotiated. It’s practically a primer, without being offputtingly clinical in the least.

That’s a relic from a time when readers and writers still thought they needed an excuse to have sex with a non-husband. Really, romance is just like any other form of media. It changes over the decades. Has tv changed in your lifetime? Yeah. So has romance.

Instead of a screwy billionaire who plays weirdo mind games, Flynn is a construction worker with a spartan apartment who is upfront about his desires and his romantic attraction to Laurel. There are no “walls” Laurel has to break through to reach Flynn’s vulnerable side; indeed, it’s Laurel who shrouds herself in

Truly, was it so difficult to find young women who were either athletic or had dance training? The worst thing about them is their posture and movement.

Am I the only one for whom it just hadn't come up? We've talked about past relationships when it's actually relevant, but we've just never discussed it. I have been left to assume that he cares as little as I do. And we've been married ten years.

Well, there's also the fact that while Joan might like to think that Peggy shares her perspective on McCann and thus should be equally glad to escape, Peggy is in a very different situation. She is a generation younger, she is in creative, and she is not a bombshell. All these things position her to be able to

It didn’t tell us anything we didn’t know about Ramsay or Theon in the books, either. I do not understand why people were fine with ADWD but this is just too much. The only differences are that so far, the TV show is far less brutal to Sansa than the books are to Jeyne, and people care about Sansa more than they cared

I fully understand that it’s more upsetting because we know and care about Sansa. I just feel like this is getting framed like George had nothing to do with this. The Mary Sue declaring they’re no longer covering the show. I’m like, where were you when a 9th grader was on her knees promising Ramsay she’d fuck the dogs

This is why I’m perturbed that this is all getting laid at the show’s door. It’s not like in the books this exactly thing happens, just to somebody else. Torture beyond what most people would think GRRM would portray against a kid is what happens in the books. Nobody twisted his work into something it isn’t here.

Yeah, I felt it was tastefully done while still making it clear what happened. Sansa agreed to the marriage. If they’d just cut away and not given us her cries and despair, we would’ve had to hear even more MRA types claiming she wanted it than we already are.

Let me be clear that I was disgusted by the storyline in ADWD and felt GRRM had gone too far. I just don’t care for this whole thing we’ve got going here where he’s getting excused simply because the character he did this to isn't on the show.