Oh, and let me also clarify that she isn’t 14 when she’s forced into prostitution. She’s 11, like Sansa. She’s 14 when she’s raped by dogs.
Oh, and let me also clarify that she isn’t 14 when she’s forced into prostitution. She’s 11, like Sansa. She’s 14 when she’s raped by dogs.
Ok. I just didn’t see anything from Peggy that indicated she liked the idea beyond being really flattered that Joan would ask, and Peggy has always been more interested in Joan’s friendship than vice versa. She was playing with the thought, but people play with the thought of leaving their field much more often than…
No one ever said she doesn’t want her name over the door of an advertising firm. Quitting to go work for Joan - with whom she doesn’t actually get along that great, and who presented the idea to her like Peggy was personally insulting her by even wanting to think about it a bit - doesn’t get her name over the door of…
I think Peggy’s nature is such that she prefers success at McCann, and she (intelligently) believes she can achieve that there. Peggy isn’t limited by age and appearance like Joan is. Peggy is hitting McCann at the right time in her life, and the right time in US history. Her story at McCann isn’t going to be what…
Then they should take issue with GRRM, because in his version, Sansa’s 14-yo bff is given by Cersei to Littlefinger, who throws her into his brothel where she services sadists who scar her with their whippings, and is then married off to Ramsay and raped by *two men* on her wedding night - an event that occurs during…
But isn’t that simply because they exist, and visuals don’t? If the camera had stayed on Sansa’s face while he was grunting and she was crying, would the sounds still have been the worst part? Or even shown their bodies? As it was I was mercifully spared from having to see her body jerk as he raped her, or see her…
But...they did? She began unbuttoning her sleeves, he very briefly ripped at the back of someone’s dress and showed someone’s back - shot so that you couldn’t even tell if it was ST - and then went to sound.
Are you really going to conflate on topic engagement with a narrative with personal feelings and overreaction?
Joan is a manager. You could sit Joan down in any business environment and once she got the lay of the land, she’d excel. Peggy has worked for a decade in a much narrower field. And she has more potential in advertising than Joan has. Joan needs this. Peggy doesn’t. Peggy *likes* the corporate structure.
God, she would not. There is a creative voice/vision thing that she could never fulfill in corporate videos, yeesh.
But that isn’t her field. Why would she leave her field?
There is a difference between saying “She is unconcerned with whether or not you find her attractive” and “She is unconcerned with the way she looks.”
I was just relieved that I felt like he was telling me, no dogs for Sansa.
Except for the recent biker series (I just can’t, I tried, I can’t) I’ve read everything she’s written, including her Meg Maguire stuff, which isn’t as good, for some reason.
Considering that Bryan Cogman reacted with horror when an interviewer asked if they were going to do to Sansa all that was done to Jeyne, I think we’re safe on that front, at least.
That was my initial reaction, but then I thought, did I really want to see Sansa’s face? And no, no I didn’t.
NA = New Adult, so teens or college age, but unlike YA, there is sex.
Man, is that ever BDSM done right. Responsible, can function as a primer on consent but does it totally organically, the BDSM is organic (ie no props, sets, or costumes required), it’s between normal people, and HE IS A SWITCH, which is the hottest. A switchy service top. Be still my heart. I hate MDom, I love tops.
I can see that. Tonally it feels older than it is, because of that aspect. I also think that while she doesn’t go TOO far with the “exoticism,” does actually use the word exotic to describe his...bone structure, I think. I doubt seriously anyone would make that mistake today, and this thing was only published in 2007.…
Kelly, there are so many people commenting in these threads about wanting to get into romance and wondering where to start...might you consider a series of “So You Want To Start Reading Romance” articles that include classics in various subgenres that modern readers will love like say Lord of Scoundrels and Bet Me,…